Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tesla’s Using Billions of Miles to Train Neural Networks

"It helps to have vehicles driving billions of miles per year because you can source many examples of rare objects. It stands to reason that, over time, Teslas will become better at recognizing rare objects than Waymo vehicles."

"In imitation learning, a neural network learns to predict what a human driver would do by drawing correlations between what it sees (via the computer vision neural networks) and the actions taken by human drivers...all the information needed is contained within the replay of what happened."

"As Tesla's fleet grows to 1 million vehicles, its monthly mileage will be about 1 billion miles, 1000x more than Waymo's monthly rate of about 1 million miles. What that 1000x difference implies for Tesla is superior detection for rare objects, superior prediction for rare behaviours, and superior path planning/driving policy for rare situations. The self-driving challenge is more about handling the 0.001% of miles that contain rare edge cases than the 99.999% of miles that are unremarkable."

[The embedded videos on this page are extremely helpful]

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