Monday, November 21, 2022

Providing a reference in Wikipedia

You'll appreciate this rabbit hole - was reading about volcanoes because I'm in Fiji, and because I watched this YouTube about an imminent eruption in Alaska this week.  

They mentioned "phreatic" (steam-blast) eruptions like Mount St. Helen's, so I read about them which led me to "Plinian" eruptions which should really be called "Vesuvian," except that is in honor of an actual play-by-play description of the Vesuvian eruption written by the nephew of Pliny, who died in Pompeii from it. 

Then they mention that only specific types of lava cause these explosions, while the common basalt lava only rarely has the right conditions. I was curious what those conditions were, and thought there must be a reference for such a specific fact. 

I found the reference, but found out that the process of adding a journal reference to Wikipedia is so painstaking and tediously precise (below), in that every single character has to be perfect, that it's a wonder anyone ever adds references to Wikipedia. 

Anyway, you can see in the attached screenshot where the journal citation has been added. 

<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Bamber |first1=Emily |last2=Arzilli |first2=Fabio |date=2020 |title=Pre- and syn-eruptive conditions of a basaltic Plinian eruption at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua: The Masaya Triple Layer |url= |journal=Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |volume=392 |issue=15 February 2020 |pages=106761 |doi=10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106761 |access-date=22 November 2022}}</ref>;

Incidentally, why wouldn't the title of the paper just be "Precursor and eruptive conditions of..." rather than the cumbersome "Pre- and syn-eruptive conditions..." 
other than to circumvent eschewing obfuscation. 

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