Saturday, November 26, 2022

Grocery store music that makes you buy.

"fast or uptempo music means people move quickly. Slow or downtempo movement means that shoppers tend to move more slowly. Depending on the goal of the grocery store, one will be more beneficial than the other. For supermarkets or smaller grocery stores, for example, slowing shoppers down means they'll have more time to look and, subsequently, buy. In fact, in Milliman's study, he discovered that sales volume for grocery stores was, on average 38% higher on days when the stores played slow tempo music." 

"2012 study from Norwegian professor, Klemens Knoferle, found that music played in a minor mode at a slow tempo was the ideal mode/tempo mix. Slow music played in major mode was found to be significantly less effective at reducing the pace of shopping and encouraging thoughtful browsing." 

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