Wednesday, November 30, 2022

How to replace plastic with avocados, algae, mushrooms

2:14 bioplastics require less fossil fuels to make them, they contain fewer toxic chemicals, and they decompose faster than regular plastics

4:09 Bagasse, the byproduct from sugar cane, amounts to 100 million tons a year in India alone, where is pressed into disposable metal trays

9:17 Lifepack in Colombia makes paper plates from pineapple crowns

17:40 mycocomposite by ecovative is made from mushroom myceliae. 18:53 the final material isa little heavier than styrofoam, but velvety soft to the touch

21:52 harvested algae blooms are blended with plastic to make pellets - 22:47 has to be mixed with plastic or the final foam wouldn't be springy enough, so it's 10-30% algae

Relationships 2.0: How To Keep Conflict From Spiraling | Hidden Brain

Naive realism - you feel that your point of view is correct simply because you see it that way. 

Conversational receptiveness "H. E. A. R." makes people feel they're heard. 
Hedging: using "perhaps" or "sometimes" or "maybe" 
Emphasize agreement: I agree that it's been hard, or we both agree...
Acknowledgement: re-state counterpart's position
Re-framing to the positive: instead of "I hate it when..." you rephrase it to "I love it when [the opposite]..."

Storm Chaser Footage

Highest storm surge ever was 42 feet in Australia. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The tedium of being an influencer

Revealing documentary about the crazy lengths tp which people to find fame on social media. "In one amusing sequence, Bilton takes us behind the scenes of a photo shoot in which Dominique and Wylie are shown partaking in one-per-cent-like activities such as sipping champagne and eating chocolates poolside at the Four Seasons, relaxing blissfully on an international flight, and receiving a luxurious spa treatment. All of this, however, is smoke and mirrors: in the pictures, which are shot in quick succession at a single location, a toilet seat held aloft mimics a plane's window, the champagne is apple juice, the chocolates are pats of butter dipped in cocoa powder, and the rose-petal-infused spa basin is a plastic kiddie pool."

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Flotsam, Jetsam & Lagan: stuff for the Receiver of Wreck

"Flotsam are those parts of the wreckage of a ship or its cargo found floating on the sea as a result of shipwreck. Jetsam are goods thrown overboard from a vessel and are then left to drift. Lagan are goods and wreckage lying on the bed of the sea which are thrown overboard to lighten ship with the intent to recover them at a later time. Technically these goods should be marked with a buoy or other marker. Derelict refers to a vessel abandoned at sea by its guardian or owner." 

How Rescue Swimmers Prepare for Missions - U.S. Coast Guard

7:00 the advanced survival technician or "rescue swimmer" training has a 73% attrition rate - the highest of any military program. 

Grocery store music that makes you buy.

"fast or uptempo music means people move quickly. Slow or downtempo movement means that shoppers tend to move more slowly. Depending on the goal of the grocery store, one will be more beneficial than the other. For supermarkets or smaller grocery stores, for example, slowing shoppers down means they'll have more time to look and, subsequently, buy. In fact, in Milliman's study, he discovered that sales volume for grocery stores was, on average 38% higher on days when the stores played slow tempo music." 

"2012 study from Norwegian professor, Klemens Knoferle, found that music played in a minor mode at a slow tempo was the ideal mode/tempo mix. Slow music played in major mode was found to be significantly less effective at reducing the pace of shopping and encouraging thoughtful browsing." 

Coffee vs caffeine makes you poop

Why does coffee make you poop but caffeine pills don't? "whether the coffee's caffeinated or decaffeinated doesn't seem to matter in all studies, according to other research -- suggesting that, in some cases, coffee compounds besides caffeine might be responsible for sudden bowel movements."

Friday, November 25, 2022

Why The U.S. Hates Roundabouts

10:25 roundabouts reduce fatal collisions by 38%, they are cheaper to construct, reduce congestion and improve traffic flow, are better for the environment, and are cheaper to maintain. 
10:59 89% reduction in vehicle delays, and 56% reduction in vehicle stops, 28% reduction in fuel consumption.

Gibraltar Dealer Sells White Toyotas That Save The World

5:08 in Gibraltar, an aftermarket company takes 650 bare-bones bulletproof (i.e. no electronics) Toyota trucks a month and converts them for NGO customers. 
5:37 They're such antiquated design that they're not legal to register in Europe, for environmental reasons. 

HSA - Health Savings Account Insane Benefits

Having an HSA (10:54) gives you triple tax benefits

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tesla’s Using Billions of Miles to Train Neural Networks

"It helps to have vehicles driving billions of miles per year because you can source many examples of rare objects. It stands to reason that, over time, Teslas will become better at recognizing rare objects than Waymo vehicles."

"In imitation learning, a neural network learns to predict what a human driver would do by drawing correlations between what it sees (via the computer vision neural networks) and the actions taken by human drivers...all the information needed is contained within the replay of what happened."

"As Tesla's fleet grows to 1 million vehicles, its monthly mileage will be about 1 billion miles, 1000x more than Waymo's monthly rate of about 1 million miles. What that 1000x difference implies for Tesla is superior detection for rare objects, superior prediction for rare behaviours, and superior path planning/driving policy for rare situations. The self-driving challenge is more about handling the 0.001% of miles that contain rare edge cases than the 99.999% of miles that are unremarkable."

[The embedded videos on this page are extremely helpful]

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Houses people notice

"I'd rather build a house people don't like, than a house people don't notice" -Guy Petersen, Sarasota architect

Monday, November 21, 2022

Standard Reference Materials

Manufacturers need standardized materials to calibrate their quality control systems, and this government department provides these exhaustively studied, incredibly consistent samples of everything from peanut butter to steel, household dust to sewer sludge. 

Providing a reference in Wikipedia

You'll appreciate this rabbit hole - was reading about volcanoes because I'm in Fiji, and because I watched this YouTube about an imminent eruption in Alaska this week.  

They mentioned "phreatic" (steam-blast) eruptions like Mount St. Helen's, so I read about them which led me to "Plinian" eruptions which should really be called "Vesuvian," except that is in honor of an actual play-by-play description of the Vesuvian eruption written by the nephew of Pliny, who died in Pompeii from it. 

Then they mention that only specific types of lava cause these explosions, while the common basalt lava only rarely has the right conditions. I was curious what those conditions were, and thought there must be a reference for such a specific fact. 

I found the reference, but found out that the process of adding a journal reference to Wikipedia is so painstaking and tediously precise (below), in that every single character has to be perfect, that it's a wonder anyone ever adds references to Wikipedia. 

Anyway, you can see in the attached screenshot where the journal citation has been added. 

<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Bamber |first1=Emily |last2=Arzilli |first2=Fabio |date=2020 |title=Pre- and syn-eruptive conditions of a basaltic Plinian eruption at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua: The Masaya Triple Layer |url= |journal=Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research |volume=392 |issue=15 February 2020 |pages=106761 |doi=10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106761 |access-date=22 November 2022}}</ref>;

Incidentally, why wouldn't the title of the paper just be "Precursor and eruptive conditions of..." rather than the cumbersome "Pre- and syn-eruptive conditions..." 
other than to circumvent eschewing obfuscation. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Medicare vs Medicare Advantage - sounds similar but it's not

Sounds like plain old Medicare is better - it's accepted when you're out of state, accepted by more doctors and hospitals, and doesn't require as much pre-approval process. Note that one needs separate "part D" coverage for drugs, and one can get medigap insurance to cover the 20% copay. 
Note that if you leave Medicare to try one of the other "Advantage"-type plans, you might not be able to go back to your medigap coverage due to pre-existing conditions. 

The crackling sound of the coral reef.

"The underwater sounds are reminiscent of static on a poorly-tuned radio, or the tantalizing hiss of eggs and bacon frying in the pan."

"The characteristic sounds come from many sources, including the rasp of urchin and starfish teeth as they graze against the hard surfaces, shrimps that stun their prey with loud bubbles produced by their pincers, and fish that pluck off bits of coral." 

Friday, November 18, 2022

How Billionaire Mark Cuban's Online Pharmacy works

1:40 they buy direct from manufacturers at a 15% mark-up plus a $3 pharmacist fee, bypass the middleman (doesn't accept insurance) and pass on the savings to consumers - particularly useful to high-copay plan-holders. 

2:46 building their own in-house factory to manufacturer medications in Dallas

Superhuman farming: Sniper agri-robots precision-treat 500,000 plants per hour with 85% less chemicals

1:16 the real value is in the robots that make strategic growing decisions that result in bigger, healthier food

1:48 decides whether to fertilize or kill each plant it sees, recognizes crop vs weed and with sub-cm precision either fertilizes or applies weed killer

2:09 the system saves a digital record of every single crop plant on the field, geo-locating each plant, [allowing it to optimize controllable factors according to individual crop-plant outcome]

6:00 farmers are "pulling engineers by the nose" to lead them to a future of "nutrition per acre" instead of just "yield per acre." 

The Town that was Burned for Science.

How fires spread to adjacent buildings: 2:30 The assumption prior to these studies was that convection was the biggest way that fire spread, but it turns out that radiant heat was more likely the culprit. A combustible wood frame house could cause another house 40 feet away to ignite. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Did you know the Japanese greeting (only used when meeting someone the first time) "Hajimemashte" means "new beginnings?" You can use it to mean "I started learning to play the piano." So, it's a way of saying "Nice to meet you - this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Monday, November 14, 2022

Indian indenture system - Wikipedia

Here's what progressive human rights looked like in the 1870's - "Trinidad adopted an ordinance in 1870 by which new immigrants were not allotted to plantations where the death rate exceeded 7 percent."
So, if 5% of your indentured workers (slaves) died, you were doing ok and could bring in more labor. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Recycling lithium batteries

A tsunami of used batteries for recycling is coming. This company has a way to recover much more than the usual amount of metal from it. 

This former Tesla engineer is working on a solution also, and is receiving truckloads of batteries every day. 

A simple non-drug recipe for Dealing With Jet Lag

Drink a pint of water every hour while flying.
Don't sleep during the flight until a 1-2 hour nap that ends 4 hours before arriving. 
Take a bath, as hot as you can stand, for 5 minutes for every hour of time change. Cool down for the same time period as the bath. 
Sleep an hour if it's daytime at the destination, then get up. 
If it's evening when you arrive, sleep through the night. 
Have 2 cups of coffee when you wake up. 

Why Cities are Banning Cars around the World

Opposition to removing space devoted to vehicles is 11:50 lack of consumer traffic, delivery-trustee issues, and emergency vehicle access. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

America's deadliest crosswalk

Decades of "car-centric" urban planning have fostered multiple lanes of very fast traffic with drivers not expecting any pedestrians. Although arterial roads are a small proportion of total roadworks, they account for a majority of pedestrian fatalities. Long distances between crosswalks encourage people to jaywalk. Sadly, this confluence of factors is more prevalent in poorer neighborhoods. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

image generated by AI

Interesting how the AI got all of the concepts except "valley" - try it yorself at

How James Cameron Destroyed a Real Bridge Without CGI

Cool! How visual effects were done. I like his offhand commentary. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Mirror Shots in movies: How Filmmakers Make Cameras Disappear

Nice explanation of some great mirror shots.

Tumbleweeds Are A Real Problem -

Russian Thistle 1:11 "it's a plant with an adventure-packed afterlife"

Amazon’s knock-off Private-Label Brands

6:36 various companies' proportion of in house brands - also at 14:00

9:20Amazon mines data from their sellers to plan and design popular products, 
then 10:30 place their product more favorably before customers, and observe how long the mouse hovers over each product

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ornithopter with morphing-coupled wingbeat pattern

Cool experiment mimicking raptor flight better than previous examples I've seen. Reminds me of a red-tailed hawk flight. 

You can create an image with artificial intelligence

Try out generating artificial intelligence art at this portal - give a text prompt and it makes an image. 
I asked it to draw a shiny conservative sports car. 

Will The Gulf States Survive When Oil Runs Out?

I was surprised at the level of detail of economic theory he goes into. 
Does he ever really explain why these oil-rich countries will not emerge from oil-based economies into continued prosperity? 

He says the oil-revenue investments are not transparent, the labor force is coerced and trapped, and the banks are constrained by Muslim ideology, and it's hard for them to transition out of oil into other industries because they had no large industries prior to oil which they can fall back on. 

That's pretty comprehensive, but it still doesn't prevent them from reinventing themselves, their banks, and their social investments to permit future prosperity. 

Revealing how THE PINK PANTHER teaches English rhythm!

A well-illustrated, precise, and surprising look at how we stress syllables in English, how it can be difficult for non-native English speakers, and what that has to do with the pink panther song. 
Doesn't he look like Anthony Hopkins? 

Evolving AI Art

Generating an evolution of AI images to find a beautiful image. 

11:52 "it is a very good way of finding images you're not looking for."

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Righteous anger

"The trouble with righteous anger is that it is so much easier to be angry than righteous."
 - see Mark 11:12-17

How gas pumps know when to turn themselves off

A really clear explanation of the mechanism in gas nozzles that switches them off when the tank is full. 

Can Groceries Be Delivered TOO Quickly?!

It's worth having prepared food from restaurants delivered quickly, but
11:19 the convenience of delivering groceries within minutes really isn't worth it, if it leads to public nuisance, more dangerous streets, and exploitative labor practices. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Re: How hiking trails are designed

-Avoid hazardous and sensitive areas, 
-stay adjacent to interesting vertical elements
-hydrologically invisible (avoid erosion/flooding)
-45 degrees off the fall line

Iceland's Deserts Are Turning Purple

A beautiful invasive species. 

These Super Trees Grow Faster and Store More Carbon

Genetically modified popular trees grow faster and capture 53% more carbon. 
3:05 the enzyme rubisco incorrectly latches onto oxygen instead of CO2, requiring redundant energy expenditure to get rid of the inadvertent product. Genetic modification can improve efficiency of this photosynthesis. 
The business model is to sell the carbon credits (from growing this modified tree) to polluters. 

The global food crisis.

7:32 hoarding and export bans exacerbate the issue: farmers within the country stockpile until exports are allowed, or change to a different crop. Elsewhere, food prices are driven even higher. 

Why New York Is Filled With Empty Plazas

1:02 - why NYC has "wedding cake" style buildings - to let sunlight in. 

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