Friday, September 29, 2023

Chris Hadfield critiques Hollywood's depictions of space

A surprisingly good episode, probably because Hadfield is so engaging and brilliant. 

14:02 When I returned to Earth from my third space flight, I'd been in space for almost half a year. 
Getting used to gravity again, even for someone who was born and raised on earth was really hard. My heart had shrunk. My balance system had completely adapted to not having gravity. So suddenly I was super dizzy and, and couldn't focus. And if I tipped my head back, I could have sworn I was doing back flips, just because I had adapted to a different gravity field than the one we have on Earth. I'd forgotten that your lips and your tongue have weight. It was so weird when I started talking [I wondered] what the heck is going on? My tongue is being pushed to the bottom of my mouth. You know, even the little subtle things were different. 

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