Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Vehicle Recycling - Cars stripped, boxed and on eBay within hours!

This company disassembles cars, knows which parts are likely to sell, cleans, photographs, and boxes them. 

I'm fascinated by the efficiency and data-driven nature of this business. They have an entire front-office staff that crunch numbers by tracking autoparts searches for specific car models on eBay, to keep their business efficient. 

11:00 each stage of disassembly is timed, and a flashing red light means a stage is overtime signaling others to come help speed up the process. 

19:18 they sell 5000 parts a week, and 20:00 keep about 71000 parts on hand, and . "We need to ensure that outgoing sales are matched by incoming inventory, so we don't become a parts museum." 

They cherry-pick only the parts that will sell; the rest are sent for raw material recycling. 

20:30 They process 300,000 vehicles a year for 3M parts. They are expanding to 5 more centers. 

20:14 this is one of the largest investments in this industry in the world. 

27:11 [because front-end crashes are so common] they store entire front ends and their attaching bolts and clips in a large crate; if unsold after 6 months they disassemble it into individual parts and re-warehouse it. 

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