Thursday, May 4, 2023

How to achieve Happiness | WIRED

Useful insights
-improved diet & sleep don't give happiness, but they do decrease unhappiness
-the satisfaction dilemma "I'll be happy when I get X"; instead of wanting more, concentrate on being happy with less
-decide to be grateful: make a Sunday list of things you're grateful for, think through the list each day until you retire a new list the next Sunday. 
-meta-cognition means deciding what you're going to do about the emotions you feel. 
-happiness is a balance of enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose. 
-purpose answers "Why am I alive?"
-limit social media to complementing real friendships, 30 minutes a day, and never, ever let it substitute for real in-person interaction
-people think they'll get happier in mid-life then downhill; the truth is the opposite - people get gradually happier after 50. 
-as you age, you develop better expectations about the future. Nothing lasts (homeostasis), and it doesn't matter. 
-be present in the moment, don't be taking pictures of the present, which is thinking about the present as the past you will look at in the future. Just enjoy the moment. 

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