Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Megayacht numbers

An 80-meter megayacht eased into Lake Union last week, and several people on Reddit figured out who it was that owned it. 
Owned by the founder of Blackberry. 
Which describes "In designing and building ARTEFACT, the goal was to prove that beautiful man-made objects can complement and celebrate the natural environment with minimal impact"
To which they replied "Give me a break."
The ship has azipods, solar power, and water recycling. 

One person even had the spare time and persistence to make these educated, scribble-on-a-napkin guesses:
"• Mike Lazaridis has a net worth of around 800M USD

• this boat, the ARTEFACT, is worth (or maybe originally cost to build?) 150M USD. That is roughly 19% of his wealth tied up in this asset.

• Annual operating costs are estimated to be 10-15 million USD. This matches with "10% of purchase price per year as upkeep" and means he's paying about 1.25% to 1.9% of his net worth to maintain & keep this yacht.

• Assume the remaining 650M of wealth can earn a measly 6% return (some really big assumptions here) then he can make 39M each year just from already being rich.

Therefore, he has about 24M per year to live off of after paying the operating costs of the boat.

• percentage wise, this is about 38% of his (badly estimated) annual income, which is very much in line with many [people's] debt-to-income ratio when they get a mortgage for their house.

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