Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Points Guy: How aircraft de-icing works

Distinction between de-icing (removes what's there) and anti-icing (prevents further buildup.) "ice on the wings akin to coarse sandpaper can reduce wing lift by as much as 30% and increase drag by 40%...There are two parts to the process: de-icing and anti-icing... "propylene glycol heated to around 140-150 degrees Fahrenheit and sprayed under pressure to blast off “contaminants.” "In colder weather and heavier snow or icing conditions, anti-icing [a preventative step] is also deployed after de-icing...anti-icing fluid is to prevent frozen or freezing precipitation or expected frost adhering to the aeroplane’s cleaned or de-iced surfaces...The fluid... is more viscous...[allowing] it to adhere to the aircraft surface for a longer period of time...A common misconception, Herrick said, is that anti-icing fluid will help the aircraft avoid icing at cruise altitude. In fact, the majority of it will have sloughed off during the takeoff roll, with all of it gone by the time the aircraft is 700 feet to 1,000 ft above the ground."

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