Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dogs Detecting Cancer

" trains for up to eight months, smelling samples of breath, plasma, urine, and saliva collected by doctors and sent to the foundation. After smelling more than 300 unique samples, dogs are able to distinguish between a healthy sample and a cancerous one. They also learn to "generalize" the smell, meaning they can transfer what they know about the smell from samples already tested to new, similar samples." 
"...providing early screening for firefighters in California, who are at high risk of developing cancer because of all the toxins they're exposed to in fires, including California's deadly wildfires."

"Two dogs were trained to distinguish between absorbed breath samples of lung cancer patients and healthy persons and succeeded with correct identification of patients with 9/9 and 8/9 and correct negative indications from of 8/10 and 4/10 samples from healthy individuals."

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