Friday, June 24, 2022

Rollover accidents

I just realized a reason why some rollover accidents occur in what would seem to be a minor impact. 

Watch at 2:21 in the video 

This clip (starting at 2:18) shows a car's right front tire impacting the left rear wheel of another, and riding up over it into a rollover. 
The impacting car likely has his brakes locked before the impact, and the car he strikes has wheels turning, where the rear part the struck tire would be moving upward. 

If the front car is moving fast, the rear part of his rolling tire would be moving quickly upward when impacted, and the good traction between two tires squishing together propels the striking car into the air. 

In this clip, though the video is not as clear as the first, you can see how violently the impacting car is thrown upwards. 

Are you still not convinced that hitting the rear tire of a vehicle can flip you over? 
Watch at 3:02 in this video:

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