Friday, June 24, 2022

How do airlines manage to fill nearly every flight I'm on?

 This is called optimizing the load factor and yield - if you sell too many seats at a low price you might fill the plane but lose out on potential revenue; if you sell only expensive seats, you might lose revenue from unsold seats.

"In order to reach an optimal yield and load factor balance, airlines must be able to dynamically adjust not only their prices, but also reallocate their capacity (including aircraft type, cabin configuration, crew, and other resources), and spill realized reservations to flights with lower load factors based on real-time data.

Achieving this, however, is no easy task – as it requires an automated, integrated planning and decision-making optimization capability. Planning methods on isolated network and scheduling systems without data gathered by revenue management systems and analysis on customer reservation data are simply not capable of handling the complexity and dynamism of daily aviation operations and profitably balancing yield and load factor."


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