Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Circadian rhythms, refractive development, and myopia

"In both humans and animals, ocular length and other anatomical and physiological features of the eye undergo diurnal oscillations.
"Contemporary clinical research is also reviving ideas first proposed in the nineteenth century that light exposures might impact refraction in children. As a result, properties of ambient lighting are being investigated in refractive development." 
"Current projections estimate that almost half of the world's population may be myopic by 2050.12 Besides image defocus, clinicians have long recognized that myopia predisposes to many blinding conditions in adulthood, as reviewed elsewhere,1,13 including retinal detachment, various retinal and macular degenerations, open-angle glaucoma and forms of cataract." 

For more on the fascinating science of circadian rhythms - even simple organisms like mold - and how our health is affected by these rhythms in the origin of heart disease to diabetes - read the book "Circadian Code. 

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