Thursday, June 30, 2022

Plantar fasciitis stretch

The plantar fascia-specific stretch is performed by dorsiflexing the toes with one hand (taking advantage of the windlass mechanism) and palpating the plantar fascia with the other hand to ensure that it is taut (Fig. 1a). The stretch is held for a count of 30 seconds and repeated at least three times in each session.

Myths About Construction Debunked

Great discussion of popular myths about construction

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

We Have the Tools to Fight Addiction. So Why Are More Americans Overdosing Than Ever?

"What struck me most about Mrs. Marquesano when we first met in January was how broadly she thought about the problems at hand. Rather than latch onto any one project, she has made a mission of fixing addiction care in its entirety. She wanted to change everything from how agencies are structured to the way that clinicians treat their patients to what kids are taught in school. As a parent who took up advocacy in the wake of her son's death, she also represents a new and promising turn in the ongoing quest against addiction: For too long, families affected by substance use and addiction have been largely silent because of shame and stigma. In recent years, more of them have begun to speak out." 
"The overdose fatality rate...about 300 people per day" [same as the current Covid death rate plateau for several months, same as the typical death rate from the flu." 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

NYTimes: The Flight of New York City’s Wealthy

"The top 1 percent of earners [in NYC], who make more than $804,000 a year, contributed 41 percent of the city's personal income taxes in 2019." 

Humming to clear the sinuses for freediving - Freedive Wire

Whod'a thunk? 

"The lining of the sinuses generates nitric oxide (NO), which is a very reactive antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral agent. You can increase the concentration of nitric oxide in your sinuses by humming, which makes your sinuses vibrate.
  • Hum at a low pitch for 15 minutes 4 times per day. You should find the pitch that causes your forehead (the problem area in particular) to vibrate the most.

Strong humming for one hour daily to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days: A case report and hypothesis for action by stimulation of endogenous nasal nitric oxide production. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Electric tractor

Monarch tractors take everything that's been perfected for vehicle autonomy, and apply that to the farm tractor. The repetitive tasks of farming are well suited to autonomous vehicles, which can easily collect data about crop health and map the density of pesticide application as they work. The weight of the batteries is actually helpful, as regular tractors often have ballast weights up front to counteract the weight of implements on the rear.

Sustainable farm in the desert

This ingenious farmer wanted to raise chickens in an off-grid desert farm simply and sustainably, using only garbage  – black soldier fly larvae consume food waste and yield high-protein feed for chickens without requiring water.

7:02 [We first tried] "worms to feed the hens but the hens ate so many worms and you just can't breed them fast enough - you just can't keep up. So we went to the black soldier fly, because it's so prolific and so abundant and it only took us one or two cycles to get to this [abundance] right and now the breeding is like clockwork."

In addition, the waste is useful as fertilizer:

11:19 "their frass which is the fancy word we give to insect poop if you introduce it to plants in their starter stages it contains an enzyme that tells the plants that there are insects present when [in fact] there aren't any so the plant will protect itself from the inside out it grows stronger thicker cell walls that makes it less hospitable to insects so we find in our gardens that we have many many fewer insect issues and fewer disease issues if we introduce insect frass into the seed starter mix so as a byproduct of that…Our plants will protect themselves from the inside out and so I don't have to use chemical Idon't use pesticides there's no herbicides there's no commercial fertilizer used in our garden at all."

16:22 - he circulates ambient air into an underground chamber that cools his greenhouse during the day by 20-30 degrees, and warms it at night by the same margin, allowing him to grow tropical plants year 'round without burning fossil fuels.  

He's in a suburb of Phoenix. 

Arizona Worm Farm:

Here's an African agribusiness growing soldier flies from pig manure:

1:50 in a circular economy, turning pig manure (and other waste) into protein for feeding pigs 
4:20 The amount of resource required to grow the protein is much lower than other protein sources for feeding pigs and chickens. 

Friday, June 24, 2022

Rollover accidents

I just realized a reason why some rollover accidents occur in what would seem to be a minor impact. 

Watch at 2:21 in the video 

This clip (starting at 2:18) shows a car's right front tire impacting the left rear wheel of another, and riding up over it into a rollover. 
The impacting car likely has his brakes locked before the impact, and the car he strikes has wheels turning, where the rear part the struck tire would be moving upward. 

If the front car is moving fast, the rear part of his rolling tire would be moving quickly upward when impacted, and the good traction between two tires squishing together propels the striking car into the air. 

In this clip, though the video is not as clear as the first, you can see how violently the impacting car is thrown upwards. 

Are you still not convinced that hitting the rear tire of a vehicle can flip you over? 
Watch at 3:02 in this video:

NYTimes: How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own

How Houston Moved 25,000 People From the Streets Into Homes of Their Own

"Houston, the nation's fourth most populous city, has moved more than 25,000 homeless people directly into apartments and houses. The overwhelming majority of them have remained housed after two years. The number of people deemed homeless in the Houston region has been cut by 63 percent since 2011" 

""housing first," a practice, supported by decades of research, that moves the most vulnerable people straight from the streets into apartments, not into shelters, and without first requiring them to wean themselves off drugs or complete a 12-step program or find God or a job...a different logic: When you're drowning, it doesn't help if your rescuer insists you learn to swim before returning you to shore. You can address your issues once you're on land."

The stage was set with the shuttering of psychiatric hospitals in the wake of abuse scandals and the introduction of new psychotropic medications... Reagan-era tax reforms encouraged the construction of high-end, single-family homes but not of affordable multifamily rentals.

" nearly everybody in Houston involved in homelessness got together around what works. That's our secret sauce.""

" housing costs are rising faster than incomes.. ."

" broken America it's still possible for adversaries to share facts and come together around something contentious and difficult."

The Myth of Harmonious Indigenous Conservationism

"The overall theme is that Indigenous peoples traditionally lived their lives in harmony with the land and its creatures, and so their land-use demands transcend the realm of politics, and represent quasi-oracular revealed truths. As has been pointed out by others, this mythology now has a severe, and likely negative, distorting effect on public policy, one that hurts Indigenous peoples themselves...And increasingly, they are telling white policy makers to stop listening to those activists who seek to portray them as perpetual children of the forest. It is for their benefit, as much as anyone else's, to explore the truth about the myth of harmonious Indigenous conservationism."

" In every known case where humans entered continents formerly uninhabited by our species, the bigger animals tended to disappear, since they provided the most sustenance per kill. The first humans to enter Australia some 70,000 years ago wiped out giant kangaroo species, rhino-sized marsupial herbivores, jaguar-sized marsupial carnivores, big flightless birds, and many other megafauna... the 13th century AD... New Zealand. Within little more than a century of their arrival, over 60 bird species, including 500-pound, 12-foot-tall, flightless moas, and the world's largest eagle, had disappeared."

"A species undergoing population growth as enormous and rapid as [humans have] must inevitably expand into, and degrade, previously wild and biodiverse areas. By 2014, Homo sapiens had, by the reckoning of the World Wildlife Fund, destroyed an incredible 60 percent of the wild mammal, bird, reptile, and fish populations that were in existence as recently as 1970."

"depictions of the benign and gentle ways of Indigenous peoples are perhaps well-intentioned, an antidote to the racist depictions of so-called "savages" that have been common currency in the West for generations. But they have been cynically leveraged by activists and politicians acting on their own principles and parochial concerns. In many cases, the above-described mythology has become a subset of a larger anti-capitalist discourse that presents Indigenous lands as a secular Eden, and greed as a form of original sin."

"we must also reject the equally false, if more kindly-seeming, narratives of progressive fabulists. It is nice to think that humans always lived in "harmony" with the natural world. But had our ancestors all taken on a "harmonious" approach, hominids would have died out long ago"
-Baz Edmeades is the author of Megafauna, First Victims of the Human-Caused Extinction

How do airlines manage to fill nearly every flight I'm on?

 This is called optimizing the load factor and yield - if you sell too many seats at a low price you might fill the plane but lose out on potential revenue; if you sell only expensive seats, you might lose revenue from unsold seats.

"In order to reach an optimal yield and load factor balance, airlines must be able to dynamically adjust not only their prices, but also reallocate their capacity (including aircraft type, cabin configuration, crew, and other resources), and spill realized reservations to flights with lower load factors based on real-time data.

Achieving this, however, is no easy task – as it requires an automated, integrated planning and decision-making optimization capability. Planning methods on isolated network and scheduling systems without data gathered by revenue management systems and analysis on customer reservation data are simply not capable of handling the complexity and dynamism of daily aviation operations and profitably balancing yield and load factor."


Billions of pounds of cheese stored underground

Larry McDonald's "Bear Trap Report" is driving URNM price volatility

On June 9th Wall Street's Larry McDonald of Bear Traps Report issued a Sell Alert on @Sprott #Uranium Miners ETF $URNM ⚠️ after which U #mining #stocks were dragged down in "3rd Worst Two-Week Energy Puke in 40 Years."⤵️🗑️ Today he's issued a BUY Alert for $URNM 🛒 #Nuclear 🤠🐂

you too can sign up for these influential reports for a mere $5000 a year.

chocolate hills 

Interesting geologic origins of these strange hills in limestone bedrock


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dumping rust in the ocean - a (much cheaper) plan to stop climate change

At a cost of millions of dollars, add iron dust to the ocean that fosters plankton proliferation which stinks to the ocean floor, hence absorbing vast quantities of CO2. 

Wiki: This technique is controversial because there is limited understanding of its complete effects on the marine ecosystem, including side effects and possibly large deviations from expected behavior. Such effects potentially include release of nitrogen oxides, and disruption of the ocean's nutrient balance...Some environmentalists called the dumping a "blatant violation" of two international moratoria. Russ George [in this video] said that the [Haida First Nations] and its lawyers approved the effort and at least seven Canadian agencies were aware of it. According to George, the 2013 salmon runs increased from 50 million to 226 million fish. However, many experts contend that changes in fishery stocks since 2012 cannot necessarily be attributed to the 2012 iron fertilization; many factors contribute to predictive models, and most data from the experiment are considered to be of questionable scientific value.

Circadian rhythms, refractive development, and myopia

"In both humans and animals, ocular length and other anatomical and physiological features of the eye undergo diurnal oscillations.
"Contemporary clinical research is also reviving ideas first proposed in the nineteenth century that light exposures might impact refraction in children. As a result, properties of ambient lighting are being investigated in refractive development." 
"Current projections estimate that almost half of the world's population may be myopic by 2050.12 Besides image defocus, clinicians have long recognized that myopia predisposes to many blinding conditions in adulthood, as reviewed elsewhere,1,13 including retinal detachment, various retinal and macular degenerations, open-angle glaucoma and forms of cataract." 

For more on the fascinating science of circadian rhythms - even simple organisms like mold - and how our health is affected by these rhythms in the origin of heart disease to diabetes - read the book "Circadian Code. 

Why the special engine oil for Sprinter Vans? Is 229.52 different than 229.51?

229.52 is much more difficult to find at auto parts stores and may require going to your Mercedes dealership where it's twice the cost of other synthetic oils. 

"lower levels of Sulphated Ash, Phosphorous and Sulphur (SAPS) in the engine lubricant. SAPS are important components in the formulation of a lubricant, providing wear protection and cleanliness performance amongst many other benefits. However, if the chemistry within a lubricant contains SAPS above OEM-specified limits, the levels of ash created during combustion can eventually completely block the filtration channels [in the diesel particulate filter] 
requiring DPF replacement or cleaning and incurring large expense for the vehicle owner." 

"Marketed by Daimler as "Low SPAsh multigrade service engine oils," approved MB 229.52 lubricants must deliver at least 0.7% fuel economy improvement compared to the MB 229.51 and MB 229.31 specifications. To achieve this, lubricants must have improved cold flow properties to reduce friction within the engine, allowing oil to flow effectively at start-up. This lowers the vehicle's fuel consumption by increasing efficiency

MB 229.52 specification

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Largest object ever moved

3:24 "…the heaviest object that has ever been moved from one place to another in human history with a water displacement of 1.5 million tons"

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

How Walmart Is Betting Big On Stores To Catch Amazon

Walmart has the advantage of so many stores, within 10 miles of 90% of all Americans, allowing more rapid delivery than Amazon in many remote or sparsely populated regions. 
Walmart is trialing a "delivered directly to your refrigerator" service complete with a live camera feed of the in-home delivery to ensure security. 
And Walmart is launching drone delivery up to 10 pounds in several states. 

Tie down straps trick

Click link above for exact clip in video. 
Trick for securing truck bed tie-down straps easily

(A clip from at 5:12)

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Just Designed An Enzyme That Eats Plastic

They used AI to study 19000 proteins and determine what contributes to stability. 
Then they modified an existing bacterial plastic-suggesting enzyme to make it more temperature resilient. It breaks down the hard-to-recycle PET plastic and recovers 94% of the building blocks with which new plastic can be made. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Why rollover accidents occur

I just realized a reason why some rollover accidents occur in what would seem to be a minor impact. 

This clip shows a car's right front tire impacting the left rear wheel of another, and riding up over it into a rollover. 
The impacting car likely has his brakes locked before the impact, and the car he strikes has wheels turning, to with the rear part the struck tire moving upward. 

If the front car is moving fast, the rear part of his rolling tire would be moving quickly upward when impacted, and the good traction between two tires squishing together propels the striking car into the air. 

In this clip, though the video is not as clear as the first, you can see how violently the impacting car is thrown upwards. 

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