Monday, April 29, 2024

Reasons for the uranium bull market from John Quakes

Never in my wildest imagination did I see this day coming when I started researching, investing in and posting about Uranium stocks as my retirement hobby over 12 years ago.

U might not see it but those of us who survived the decade long bear market from 2011 to 2021 are having our minds blown every day now with news of a world where the pendulum has swung back to embrace Nuclear as the key to a future powered by safe, 24/7 reliable, carbon-free energy fueled by the most energy dense power source on the planet - Uranium. 

The Uranium investing thesis we built many years ago DID NOT NEED a major Nuclear resurgence or NetZero or Climate Change or Energy Security or a bifurcated market where the West was going to give up cheap Russian Uranium as a major source of reactor fuel and even move to ban imports from Russia.

The thesis does not rely on or expect skyrocketing electricity demand from cryptocurrency mining, electric vehicle charging, or today's exploding demand...

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