Thursday, January 25, 2024

Microbiome TED talk

How much do the bacteria that flourish in your intestines affect your brain? 

The extent of microbiome association with disease is more advanced than I thought! 

1:03 mice raised in a sterile "bubble" lack gut microbes and lack curiosity, forget quickly, and have no separation anxiety

2:21 gut bacteria from an overweight twin, when transferred to such "bubble" mice, increase their weight vs the thin twin's bacteria

2:40 gut bacteria from a depressed person, when transferred to guts in mice, induce depressed behavior (e.g. early fatigue of struggling when drowning) in mice. 

3:13 gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters (3:52 80% of neural traffic in the vagus nerve is afferent instead of efferent)

5:51 hypothesis that altering the microbiome could treat ADHD, OCD, PTSD. (6:16 there's a specific bacterium linked to autism)

8:41 Parkinson's - a bacterial protein similar to a human one, but mis-folded, travels up the vagus nerve and infiltrates the host brain

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