Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Combating desertification

Terrible amateurish video, misquotes the facts at 2:03; the correct percentages should be "More than 70 percent of the Earth's land has been altered by human activity, and up to 40 percent is degraded, meaning that it has become less biologically or economically productive over a sustained period of time. - Global Land Outlook 2, a new report from the UN's Council to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)." 2022

Mossy earth is a non-profit aiming to reforest sustainably. 
1:18 China's efforts may ultimately be detrimental - decades of reforestation may be in vain because of planting a monoculture of fast-growing trees that are fragile and unsustainable. 2:28 only 15% of planted trees have survived 2:03 the planted monocultures overshadow and kill native species that were well-adapted and rooted, ultimately worsening soil conditions. Frustratingly, 3:42 people were cutting down existing trees in order to plant non-native species, because of a government incentive to do so. 

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