Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hidden Brain - Making the world sparkle again.

Habituation and the hedonic treadmill

Look again - the power of noticing what was always there.

Dishabituation - a break from your routine makes you see your routine anew. Julie Roberts "resparkles" time with her family by returning after shooting a movie. 

Changing your environment primes your brain for taking in information differently and sparking creativity. But the effect only lasts 6 minutes. 

Experiences retain their intrigue far longer than material items. Experiences are recollected over and over, and you habituate slower. 

Giving is much more satisfying than receiving. The rate of habituation of feeling happy is much faster for things you get for yourself. 

Variety enhances psychological experiences. Variety prevents habituation. Variety by definition means there's change, so you can't habituate to it. 

Shorter vacations may be better - vacations peak in happiness at 43 hours. A few short vacations will be more exciting than longer ones. 

People who are asked say they prefer hearing a favorite song without interruption. But when tested, they enjoyed it now if it was interrupted. Same with massage. 

Conversely, distasteful experiences are best done without breaks, so you don't have to re-enter the habituation to the bad. 

People who have had depression returned to neutral emotion slower after bad news. 

Disastrous accidents often happen near the very end of an undertaking. The workers habituate to the danger and take less precautions at the end of the project.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Gyroscopic drill seems very intuitive

Friday, June 28, 2024

Getting around the proposed DJI drone can

DJI claims users can opt out of a feature that allows DJI drones to collect flight logs, photos or videos. It also suggests operators turn on a Local Data Mode feature, disconnecting the flight app from the internet.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Who was Kilroy?

Interesting history. 
Just Who Was Kilroy?
It is not clear just where the viral "Kilroy Was Here" tradition got started. Soon after WWII ended, the American Transit Association ran a contest to track down its origins. Scores stepped forward, to claim that they had been the originators. Ever since, there has been plenty of research on Kilroy. The likeliest theory traces the meme to James J. Kilroy, a Fore River Shipyard in Braintree, Massachusetts, inspector. That Kilroy supervised the work of riveters who were paid by the number of rivets installed. After they noted that number down, inspectors put chalk marks on the work done. However, some unscrupulous riveters erased the mark, in order to get paid twice for the same work. To avoid that, Kilroy wrote "Kilroy was here" in harder-to-erase crayon.

Kilroy's crayon marks would normally have been painted over. Wartime was hectic, however, and in WWII, that didn't always happen. Thousands of GIs came across "Kilroy was here" on ships built at Fore River Shipyard. None of them knew who Kilroy was, but they wondered, and that minor mystery birthed a viral meme tradition. The hardest to reach ship locations were the likeliest to go unpainted. The presence of the crayoned phrase in those spots enhanced Kilroy's reputation for getting into impossible-to-reach places. When they got off their ships, many servicemen continued the gag about the mysterious Kilroy. They ran with it, and tagged every available surface to let the world know that Kilroy had been there. Somebody at some point added an easy-to-imitate drawing of a big-nosed cartoon character to the gag. The phrase and drawing combination took Kilroy from a widespread meme to major viral history.

Pebble Flow electric trailer

This trailer has dual motors for maneuvering the trailer on your driveway, and for assisting the tow vehicle to provide longer range. It has a 45kw battery and 1kw solar panels that can also act as a backup power supply at your home. And, it has a robot mode that automatically finds and attaches to a nearby trailer hitch. 

Low-rider paint job

Incredible layered candy-apple paint effects on low-riders

Toyota capturing the market for very cheap pickups

Toyota is answering the call of those who love the Subaru Sambar - a very barebones $13K truck initially only available in Asia. 

Reserve rides ahead of time at Disney world

Just in time before we have grandchildren, Disney is introducing reservations a week ahead for theme park rides, if you're staying at one of their hotels. 
"guests will be able to reserve rides and shows ahead of time...Guests staying at Disney World's resort hotels can make selections up to seven days in advance, all at once, for up to 14 days of their stay." 

Submarine diving and surfacing mechanics

8:51 A submarine's buoyancy is affected by the temperature and salinity of the water. Melting arctic ice gives areas of low salinity that have to be measured and accounted for. 

During surfacing, orientation in 3 dimensions is very critical, so that (23:20) "just the weight of one person walking from forward to aft of the ship will upset the balance," so an order is given to not walk around, just as they're surfacing. 

21:55 If the submarine has any momentum from a sideways current when surfacing through ice, and if the vertical "punch" through the ice isn't forceful enough, the submarine could violently roll rather than punch through, damaging tail planes and prop. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Airless tires for Tesla

1:46 airless tires last longer, deform better, they're lighter, and more aerodynamic.

Bugatti Bolide acceleration

10:15 the chassis has to be incredibly stiff; of it's not, you get this word sensation under full throttle that the car is trying to steer itself. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Rent an earth ship in New Mexico Airbnb

What's an earth ship? A completely off-grid home built from recycled materials that uses every drop of water 4 times from drinking to garden to flushing to septic garden. Currently rent for $179/night. 

Amazing cover of Fleetwood Mac

She went on to develop a YouTube following and uploaded just one or two covers a year. 

Until she was asked to redo Fleetwood Mac by David Guetta in an over-produced dance version. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

NYTimes: Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

"Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms" 
[we need to] "prevent platforms from...the use of features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use." 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Keeping an old car running reliably

You'll like this guy's approach to keeping an old car running reliably. He seems very handy and has some good tricks and advice in the video. 

Love, love it. New dream car. Totem.

Intricately hand-built and individually machined works of art. Only one small handle for the trunk release remains from the original car. 

Surimi from Pacific whiting

A protease inhibitor derived from potato, developed to prevent this fish becoming mushy during cooking, allowed this species to become a multi-million-dollar industry. Ground into a paste called surimi, its main market is in Korea, though a minor percentage is turned into imitation crab. 

Surimi from Pacific whiting

A protease inhibitor invented to prevent this fish becoming mushy during cooking allowed this species to become a multi-million-dollar industry. Ground into a paste called surimi, its main market is in Korea, though a minor percentage is turned into imitation crab. 

Egg-shaped airplane highly more efficient

Ovoid shape promotes laminate flow over its surface, allowing 1:16 long range flights using 80% less fuel than conventional aircraft. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Remarkable paint restoration

Sure took a lot of work! 

What Are Finger Limes? | Bon Appétit

Finger Limes, also known as nature's caviar, are an Australian tropical fruit filled with juicy pearls of citrus.

Word puzzles

I think these 3 word puzzles illustrate just how adaptable the human brain is, and how much information the brain can fill in using context and familiarity. 

Paramedics' new ice body bag to correct heat stroke

Heat Indexes Approach 100 Degrees as Temperatures Rise Across the U.S.

"emergency responders are carrying large plastic bags, or even body bags, that serve as ice cocoons. The bags are filled with ice cubes and water and zipped up around patients to about their chest area for about 15 to 20 minutes or so until they cool to safe levels." 

Citroen hydraulic suspension

I would really like to see this amazing suspension in action. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Wind forces that shape buildings

7:39  20% of a building's cost goes directly to combating wind forces

Home - Coalition For The Homeless

Defending the legal right to shelter in NYC. Providing meals, rental assistance, crisis intervention, etc. 
Practical answers on how to help if you see a problem. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Chris Templeton and his colleagues have found that chickadees use their calls like language, complete with syntax that can...convey their location of a tasty treat... warn of predators - both the type and magnitude of the threat. A soft, high-pitched call signals a threat on the wing...the signature chickadee-dee-dee flags a stationary predator...the number of those skipping-stone "dees" indicates the predator's size. 
p.40, 'The Genius of Birds,' Jennifer Ackerman. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

NYTimes: Rube Goldberg’s Greatest Machine Is His Legacy

"There is a timeless appeal to this mechanized subversion of expectations. It will always be funny to see a complex machine whiz and whir just to accomplish what is essentially a wry wink about having wasted your time." 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

War = escalating reciprocal retributions

War is so often a story of escalating reciprocal retributions, and this quotation says it all: 

"he saw the street covered in blood and bodies. Gazans there were cursing not just Israel, but Hamas as well, he said, blaming them for bringing this disaster upon them." 

This is so senseless to me. 

Electrical shocks to tongue to treat tinnitus

"The leading explanation for this link is that the loss of input from the ears causes the brain to compensate by becoming more sensitive — sometimes called the central gain theory."
"the nerve fibres that carry signals from hair cells to the brain... are at least three different types, letting us process sounds at different volumes: quiet, intermediate and loud. The ones that process loud sounds are most susceptible to damage."
"People who have [tinnitus] but have good hearing, according to the standard hearing test known as an audiogram, have long been a stumbling block for the central gain theory. However, if they had damage solely to their loud nerve fibres, this wouldn't show up as hearing loss in an audiogram, which only measures the quietest sounds"
"Niliksha Gunewardene at the Bionics Institute in Melbourne...recently shown that in animals, an injection of neurotrophin-3-loaded nanoparticles into the ear releases neurotrophin-3 in the inner ears of mice, which leads to synapse growth."
"the cochlear nucleus also has inputs from other parts of the body, including touch neurons from the face, jaw and neck, which may be to suppress sounds caused by movements of the body, such as chewing...Neuromod Devices [have produced a] device called Lenire, which... delivers electrical stimulation to the tongue at the same time as the person listens to sounds through headphones."

Monday, June 3, 2024

Crow intelligence

Crow 007 solving puzzle

Birds at Risk of Extinction Due to Climate Change

I didn't know it was this dire: 

"a grim picture: a steady decline of nearly three billion North American birds since 1970, primarily as a result of human activities. Climate change will further exacerbate the challenges birds are already facing from human activity.  

In 2014, Audubon published its first Birds and Climate Change Report. The study showed that more than half of the bird species in North America could lose at least half of their current ranges by 2080 due to rising temperatures." 

"Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild...In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year."

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Silicone in my food?

Dimethylpolysiloxane is an anti-foaming agent derived from silicone found in a variety of foods, including cooking oil, vinegar, chewing gum, and chocolate. While the risk of toxicity is considered low, it's not a chemical you'd ordinarily consider to be "food."

 "PDMS is added to many cooking oils (as an anti-foaming agent) to prevent oil splatter during the cooking process. As a result of this, PDMS can be found in trace quantities in many fast food items such as McDonald's Chicken McNuggets" wiki
"oral exposure of dimethyl polysiloxane did not result in any systemic adverse effects in any species and dose tested and there is no concern with respect to genotoxicity" ref "L.A. Confidential, 1997"

Did you know there's an online list of cars featured in films? The Internet movie car database. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Rose foam face cream dispenser

Edge Foundation ADHD

Podcasts about how to live with family members who have ADHD. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Berating Eponymns

"There is also another unmeaning custom, which it is still more essential for us to get rid of. I mean that of naming subjects of Nature, after Persons, who have plumed themselves with those childish ideas of their being the first discoverers of such or such things." – Charles W. Peale, c. 1799; unpublished writings.

 "Just like statues, buildings, and street or suburb names, we think a reckoning is due for scientific species names that honour people who held views or acted in ways that are deeply dishonourable, highly problematic or truly egregious by modern standards," Thiele wrote.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

SLA vs FDM 3D printing

 SLA vs FDM for those who aren't familiar, "SLA better quality but messy, FDM stronger and larger prints,"
"FDM is rolls of solid plastic that get heated and melted then deposited on a bed; resin starts as liquid and gets cured using UV light. FDM with the commonly used PLA filament is relatively easy and safe to use. SLA produces much higher quality prints but needs chemicals for cleaning the prints then curing using another device and requires gloves to handle and recommended masks for the fumes."

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Clever woodworking bench design

What an ingenious build. The casters only touch the floor when it's raised - the half-ton unit only requires a single external lever, and no locking casters. The flip-top is really sturdy. And both systems are simple and quick to use. 

What?¿! There was a real life Lord of the Flies saga.

Today I learned - there was a real-life "Lord of the Flies" scenario, four years after the book was published. How did I not know this? Why hasn't there been a movie based on a true story? Incredible - "boys had set up a small commune with food garden, hollowed-out tree trunks to store rainwater, a gymnasium with curious weights, a badminton court, chicken pens and a permanent fire, all from handiwork, an old knife blade and much determination." One boy broke his leg and they set the fracture and he healed.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

User error acronyms

Inside-joke terms for "user error" - I particularly like 

PEBCAK (acronym for "problem exists between chair and keyboard") and, if you scroll down to the "other languages" section, 

USB problem (usuário super burro), translated as 'super dumb user' and 

'BIOS problem' (burro idiota operando o sistema) translated as 'dumb idiot operating the system'. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Energy vault -flawed design

Problems with the energy vault
1) high carbon emissions associated with producing the concrete blocks, 
2) vulnerability of the crane design to wind, 
3) the limited storage capacity, and 
4) the potential for block damage and erosion. 
A more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative: pumped storage hydroelectricity, which involves storing energy by pumping water uphill and releasing it through a turbine when needed.

Biggest excavation in the world

0:38 it will take us about 7 years to remove overburden before extracting ore when we expand the mine 1000 feet further. 

The ore has about 1:1000 parts copper by weight. 
1:48 we've produced 19 million tons of copper from 8 billion tons of ore 

Installing solar Matt Ferrell

His $100 video course on how to decide on solar installations:

Bamboo cutlery and containers

Compostable cutlery and containers - so long as they don't 6:30 contain melamine, which can release toxic waste.  

7:08 2 million trees are cut down each day to make toilet paper, and take decades to regrow, while bamboo can regrow 6:566:56 from its roots and be reharvested within a few years. 

Eternabond tape instead of roof sealant for RV

Monday, April 29, 2024

Reasons for the uranium bull market from John Quakes

Never in my wildest imagination did I see this day coming when I started researching, investing in and posting about Uranium stocks as my retirement hobby over 12 years ago.

U might not see it but those of us who survived the decade long bear market from 2011 to 2021 are having our minds blown every day now with news of a world where the pendulum has swung back to embrace Nuclear as the key to a future powered by safe, 24/7 reliable, carbon-free energy fueled by the most energy dense power source on the planet - Uranium. 

The Uranium investing thesis we built many years ago DID NOT NEED a major Nuclear resurgence or NetZero or Climate Change or Energy Security or a bifurcated market where the West was going to give up cheap Russian Uranium as a major source of reactor fuel and even move to ban imports from Russia.

The thesis does not rely on or expect skyrocketing electricity demand from cryptocurrency mining, electric vehicle charging, or today's exploding demand...

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Firefighters - why don't you have this?

It seems like a fire engine could easily be adapted to spray like this immediately after arrival. Is this a common enough occurrence that firetrucks could justifiably be modified to do this? 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Very cool drone flyboard slow-motion shots

The whole video is pretty amazing...
Hydrofoil electric surfboards (flyboards) are very cool, (and expensive!) especially when shot from a very agile drone. If you want to go straight to the great action footage, start at 7:43

Friday, April 19, 2024

Zombie ants and snails.

So weird. Have you ever heard of the zombie ant fungus? Such incredible biology, making the ant do exactly what it needs for reproduction.

Then there's the snail fungus that makes the snail veggie out into the open, and resemble a caterpillar. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

When Neil DeGrasse Tyson met Carl Sagan

Neil deGrasse Tyson shares a story about how Carl Sagan inspired him as a young aspiring astrophysicist. Sagan wrote Tyson a letter inviting him to visit Cornell, where he showed him around and treated him with kindness. Tyson was so moved by Sagan's mentorship that he vowed to treat future generations of students the same way. Sagan's correspondence with Tyson was later displayed in the Library of Congress, symbolizing the passing of the torch from one generation of scientists to the next. During Tyson's visit to Cornell University, Carl Sagan showed him around the campus, including his office. Sagan also signed a book for Tyson and offered him his home phone number in case the bus back to New York City was delayed due to snow.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Clouds Make Nerds Look Good

Clouds Make Nerds Look Good: 
Field Evidence of the Impact of Incidental Factors on Decision Making. 2007

...Analyzing 682 actual university admission decisions. As predicted, applicants' academic attributes are weighted more heavily on cloudier days and non‐academic attributes on sunnier days. ...changes in cloud cover can increase a candidate's predicted probability of admission by an average of up to 11.9%. These results also shed light on the causes behind the long-demonstrated unreliability of experts making repeated judgments from the same data.

Monday, April 15, 2024

50 words for snow

Considering that the Inuit have 50 words for snow, it's not surprising that the English language has so many synonyms for "lying."

And speaking of words, there's "doncha"...but my favorite reduction in English is "chupto" for "what are you up to?" Unfortunately it didn't make this list of English reductions. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hacker long range radio texting

"It's easy, just follow these few steps..." I love the iconoclastic idea of homespun technology for free, but this really sounds like a lot of work! 

Why do queen bees live so long?

In mankind's eternal quest to live longer, this interesting paper explores the mechanisms of aging in honeybees. Queen bees live for years, while workers live for weeks (unless it's winter when they live for months.) Ingenious experiments tease out whether workers live shorter lives because of their dangerous lives outside the hive - exposed to parasites* or drowning risk - or their immune and oxygen-radical scavenging systems diminish - probably the latter. Do the queens have a different hormone profile that promotes longevity, and is that a result of diet? The paper ends with a (likely unknowable)  chicken-or-the-egg question - did queens evolve longer lives because of honeybees' cooperative social structure that expends huge energies on maintaining the queen, or did the social structure evolve because queens were endowed with longevity? 
*the "sugar-shake" test (dumping powdered sugar on bees) releases mites by sticking to their feet,  allowing them to be counted. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Eclipse graphics

1) bookings on Airbnb along the eclipse path
2) instantaneous temperature monitors dip along swath of eclipse

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

E.P.A. Says ‘Forever Chemicals’ Must Be Removed From Tap Water - NYT

"Environmental Protection Agency mandates that water providers reduce perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known collectively as PFAS, to near-zero levels...the chemicals can be found in water-repellent clothes and carpets, certain shampoos, cosmetics and hundreds of other household items." 
"The E.P.A. estimated it would cost water utilities about $1.5 billion annually to comply with the rule..."

In 2022, the E.P.A. found the chemicals could cause harm at levels "much lower than previously understood" and that almost no level of exposure was safe. Under the new rule from the E.P.A.... reduce contamination if levels exceeded the new standard of 4 parts per trillion... Previously... no more than 70 parts per trillion of the chemicals."
"...estimated that more than 200 million Americans had PFAS in their drinking water."
"health effects of PFAS...associated with metabolic disorders, decreased fertility in women, developmental delays in children and increased risk of some prostate, kidney and testicular cancers...delay in the onset of puberty in girls, leading to a higher incidence of breast cancer, renal disease, and thyroid disease; a decrease in bone density in teenagers, potentially leading to osteoporosis; and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes in women."

Monday, April 8, 2024

Mumbling dialog that necessitates subtitles

Makes a good point about how movie soundtracks have deteriorated over time for many reasons, and most people now watch with captions as a result. 

Use parking lots for solar power generation

A simple (but not cheap) solution - cover parking lots with solar cells instead of rural land. More expensive, still pays for itself, makes more sense than covering over farmland. It will only happen if legislated. 

- 3x cost because they're elevated 4:36
- shade protects parked cars 
- close to power needs
- large electrical infrastructure already in place

3:47 France mandated covering parking lots by legislation

Restaurant cooking tips

I found these cooking hacks really practical. 
 1:58 bruise herbs first to bring out flavor
 2:23 chicken thighs less likely to overcook than breasts
 4:57 how to zest
 6:58 how to core a pepper
 8:24 slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes
 12:55 xanthan gum fixes sauces
 17:41 peel ginger with a spoon
 20:07 damp paper towel under cutting board
 26:31 add salt when browning onions or garlic prevents it darkening
 27:49 season cooked veggies
 29:16 put soft cheese in freezer briefly before grating
 31:08 toast your spices first
 32:12 parchment paper grill fish 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Eclipse patterns

The mathematical patterns of total eclipses explained in detail. It's incredible to know that 4:25 the Babylonians figured out this pattern more than 2000 years ago. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Are you listening?

Hidden Brain
17:02 the effects of poor listening were not experienced just by the listener. The effects of poor listening were being experienced by the speaker - 
more than 50% of the conversation is determined by the listener, not the speaker. 

A few days later, the speaker remembered less of their own story, if they had talked to a distracted listener. 

38:51 It's actually not our's our listening that can have an effect on people. So it's a great paradox that, in fact...if we were just focused on our goals of trying to knock people off from their point of view, we would be more effective if we actually did better listening. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Funniest car review

You're gonna love this car review! It's by the daughter of the Top Gear host, who knows nothing about cars, so while he's busy talking about the specs, she's yelling at him saying "How do you turn the wipers on?¿!" If you only have a few seconds, start at 5:51 and watch her face. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Tajin - spice served on jicama in Mexico

 Tajin is a Mexican seasoning that you can find in the Latin section of your local grocery store. It's a simple mix of chili powder, salt, and dehydrated lime.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Urban Doom Loop explained

The pandemic surge in "working from home"  emptied, and devalues, office buildings, which in turn lowers civic tax revenue, which degrades public services, which makes office buildings less attractive to tenants, accelerating the exodus. 

Open AI robot progress

Hard to tell how much of this is "staged," but pretty impressive recognition, awareness, and adaptability. 
The robot knew exactly how to place 2 items in the dish rack. How specifically had it been "trained" to do that, or is that native general intelligence? 

How shellac is made.

2:06 the name "shellac" perhaps derives from "a hundred thousand" because it can take 300,000 insects to make just one kilogram of the product
2:52 refining the lac is a delicate balance of washing and 3:30 drying just the right amount
7:56 "confectioner's glaze" is a coating on junior mints, whoppers, and on lemons and citrus fruits
This reminds me of the red dye extracted from cochineal insects growing on cactus plants - 1:46 they excrete carminic acid to repel ants
Also this:

Friday, March 15, 2024

Re: How to improve AI writing results

A really useful instructional video on how to write the best prompts for Chat GPT. 

Task - "summarize this report as a table with the following headings" or "give me a witty answer" 
Context - "I received a lengthy investment report" 
Exemplar - "what's my greatest weakness - use the format 'situation - task - action - results'" 
Persona - think of someone you wish you had instant access to, who could provide the perfect answer. "You are a senior manager who's good at storytelling" 
Format - close your eyes and visualize the look of the end result
Tone - "a friendly and confident tone" or use mood words like "exuberant, sentimental, idyllic, tense, melancholy, not stuck-up" 

When refining a previous answer, specify "bold all changes you make."

In a similar video, the following are suggested:
Context + specific info + intent + response format
-be specific
-state your intent
-use correct spelling and grammar
-direct the output format
-ask follow-up question
-repeat and experiment with phrasing, changing the order
-can you fact-check that?

Example: " I'm a beginner cook. I'm trying to make Italian cuisine. Provide a simple and easy recipe with a numbered list of steps." 

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