"In the Arab world, children are sometimes named after their grandfathers, to keep the spirit of their ancestors alive...
"Mohammed. Ahmed and Mahmood... all mean "praiseworthy"...
[From] "the Quran...Ibrahim (Abraham) and Dawood (David)...Yousif, Yahya, Zakariya, Nooh and Ismail"
"Common names for boys include the names of Prophet Mohammed's cousin Ali (meaning lofty or sublime) and grandsons Hassan and Hussain (both of which are derived from the Arabic word hasuna, which means "to be good")."
"Fatima meaning "to abstain"...Zahra "blooming flower", Zainab "fragrant flowering plant...Hameed (thankful) and its [female] counterpart Hameeda; Jalil (important) and Jalila; Nabil (noble) and Nabila; Nader (rare) and Nadera; Jamil (handsome) and Jamila (beautiful); Tahir (virtuous, chaste or pure) and Tahira; Wahid (peerless or unique) and Wahida; Adel (just) and Adela and even Samir (companion in evening talk) and Samira.
"Khalid (eternal), after the army leader Khalid bin Al Waleed. Khulood (immortality) is its feminine derivative..."
"Names given to boys are more masculine and show their status and standing in life. They include Khalifa (successor); Naser (helper); Rashid (rightly guided); Khalil (friend); Emad (support or pillar); Husam (sword); Ihsan (charity) and Mansour (victorious)."
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