Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sap Dripping From Trees: How Do I Stop It?

"What most homeowners will be surprised to learn is that this sticky liquid from trees isn't sap at all. The sticky liquid oozing from the trees is Honeydew, and despite the name it has no relation to the fruit. Honeydew is the excrement of plant-sucking insects such as aphids, lace bugs, cicadas, and certain types of scale. Deciduous trees do not drip sap from their leaves. If you have "sap" dripping from your deciduous tree it is honeydew and is a telltale sign of an insect infestation.

Trees That Drip Sap:

Insect infestations that lead to honeydew are frequently found on rose, ash, oak, elm, maple, willow, and fruit trees."

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