Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The key questions to ask your partner about money

A podcast about such a sensitive topic: money. But I think it's worth it. 

It emphasizes talking to your partner about their issues around money and finances. I think it can help guide a really useful conversation about money. 

While the whole episode is good, these talking points really help you work on and develop your financial strengths.

46:33 What did your Mom / Dad teach you about money. 

What is your most painful money experience?

What is your most joyful money experience?

What are your financial goals?

What are your financial fears?

What did you feel about your socioeconomic class growing up?

What am I most proud of in my relationship to money?

What do I appreciate about you, my partner, about money?

47:55 "There is often shame in our mental financial scripts...Shame is an emotional glue trap, and it keeps us stuck in our financial behaviors."

50:18 Challenging and changing your money scripts - they have an impact on your money for the rest of your life. (Having an internal locus of control - "the reason this happened is all because of me and I can change it" - is associated with having more money, than an external locus of control - "it's all because of XYZ that I lost that money, if only I'd never listened to them." ) 

38:56 researcher asked them to bring in something they had saved - a sentimental object. This gets people to connect to their core values... getting people to connect to items in a visceral way - how it came into their life, how it felt, what it meant to them, what it represents to them. Use that as a bridge to identify their values and top 3 financial goals - why they want to save for their future.

Money 2.0 , episode May 2, 2022: Hidden Brain


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