Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Who owns all the stocks?

This statistic continues to amaze me, and explains why many stock price moves are such a sudden selloff. 

The wealthiest 10% of American households now own 89% of all U.S. stocks

The top 1% gained more than $6.5 trillion in corporate equities and mutual fund wealth during the Covid-19 pandemic

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Older leading men vs their women in movies

"On average, the age difference between 1984–2014 is 4 1/2 years... " 

And, it's more exaggerated if the director is male than female: 
"On average, the male leads in films directed by men were 4.53 years older than their female co-stars. In films directed by women, the male
leads were 4.16 years older than the female leads.

"Tom Cruise's leading ladies in the last 10 movies he has produced and starred in, the average age gap is about 16.5 years. But for Top Gun: Maverick, Tom Cruise's love interest is played by the exceedingly talented Jennifer Connelly, who is "only' eight years younger than he is."

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Rich and the Rest of Us | Hidden Brain Media

The uber-rich develop a distrust about those they interact with - 
18:27 "... If you're a wealthy person, you're more trusting of the people you pay to be in your service than those you don't. With your family, you might have a King Lear problem - which of my family love me, and which are out to get something? But at least when you're having a transactional relationship with an employee, at least the boundaries are clear. You're paying them for certain services, and you can assess whether they are giving you those services at the standard you require - if they're not, you fire them; if they're doing a good job you keep them on. There's a simplicity to that which is not present in emotional relationships." 

23:39 looked at millions of flights to see what predicted incidents of air rage...23:51 in planes in which there was a first-class cabin, incidents of air rage were several times more likely to happen. Which suggests that to witness that [income] inequality seems to have some kind of psychological impact on people that really ramps up their disruptive behavior. 23:34 Some planes don't start boarding with their first-class passengers, and that makes a difference... If you don't have to walk past the first-class cabin, there's a much lower incidence of air rage. 

43:52 "When people are economically segregated, when you have the very rich living behind walls in gated communities, it might be psychologically easier on the middle class and poor not to see that, but on the other hand, it creates a greater feeling of distance between the haves and the have-nots...that leads to increased polarization and lower levels of trust." 

Frog Defends Eggs From Wasps | Planet Earth

The unborn hatchlings can sense danger and wiggle out of their egg early. Amazing. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The key questions to ask your partner about money

A podcast about such a sensitive topic: money. But I think it's worth it. 

It emphasizes talking to your partner about their issues around money and finances. I think it can help guide a really useful conversation about money. 

While the whole episode is good, these talking points really help you work on and develop your financial strengths.

46:33 What did your Mom / Dad teach you about money. 

What is your most painful money experience?

What is your most joyful money experience?

What are your financial goals?

What are your financial fears?

What did you feel about your socioeconomic class growing up?

What am I most proud of in my relationship to money?

What do I appreciate about you, my partner, about money?

47:55 "There is often shame in our mental financial scripts...Shame is an emotional glue trap, and it keeps us stuck in our financial behaviors."

50:18 Challenging and changing your money scripts - they have an impact on your money for the rest of your life. (Having an internal locus of control - "the reason this happened is all because of me and I can change it" - is associated with having more money, than an external locus of control - "it's all because of XYZ that I lost that money, if only I'd never listened to them." ) 

38:56 researcher asked them to bring in something they had saved - a sentimental object. This gets people to connect to their core values... getting people to connect to items in a visceral way - how it came into their life, how it felt, what it meant to them, what it represents to them. Use that as a bridge to identify their values and top 3 financial goals - why they want to save for their future.

Money 2.0 , episode May 2, 2022: Hidden Brain


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Watch "Arvin Ash - It’s time to rethink Nuclear Power Limitless Green Thorium Energy is coming" on YouTube

The pursuit of ignorance

5:33 "Thoroughly conscious ignorance is the outlier to every real advance in science." - Maxwell

8:50 "Science never solves a problem without creating 10 more" - George Bernard Shaw


Best episode ever of this show, just released - all about umami. And the science of cooking with a wok at 15:12. And 21:38 the perfect dirty martini. And 22:20 making chili crisp sauce from scratch  (peppercorns, spicy Chili's, onion, soybean, MSG, star anise, cinnamon, coriander) and you'll never guess what he puts it on at the end.


Cleaning solar panels without water

Removing dust from solar panels with electricity helps avoid using water in the arid areas where solar energy flourishes. 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Oops - leaded gas Accidentally Killed The Most People In History" on YouTube

A sobering account of one chemist who caused untold levels of human suffering from his chemical exploits, perhaps (17:57)even increasing world-wide crime substantially. 

Harmony Turbines VAWT

Clever design folds inwards to avoid damage from high winds. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Proof that holding the remote to your head extends the car remote range

Your chest cavity acts as a resonant chamber for the frequency use by the remote control, amplifying the signal. Scroll down the page for the longer answers with more detail.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Optimizing Wind and Solar Power with Machine Learning

12:09: up to 10% of wind power is lost to wake effects, i.e. downstream turbulence that decreases power production by a second windmill in line. 

11:42 AI can be used to simulate the wake effects and determine if an unnatural-looking yaw angle could actually increase power production. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Costs of buying and running EV vs gas vehicle

"say you travel 15,000 miles annually in your F-150 and average 21 mpg...means you're burning about 714 gallons...multiply by $4.24/gal national average, which works out to an annual fuel bill of about $3,028... Lightning: 7,221 kWh. Multiply that figure by $0.14/kwh and the result is roughly $1,011 in electricity per year." 

"you'd have to own the Lightning for about nine years for your "fuel" savings to make up the price difference" 
"the annual price difference of running the Accord compared to the Kia, works out to a payback period of nearly 13 years." 

Nuclear Diamond Batteries

Arkenlight and NDB batteries draw their power from shielded carbon-14, sourced from nuclear plant waste. 

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