Sunday, April 17, 2022

Thorium breeder reactors

Think nuclear power: limitless green thorium is coming
9:54 thorium is more stable than uranium10:34 mining it is safer and more efficient: needs less enrichment to yield fissile material 11:14 needs to be subjected to a breeder reactor, where a neutron source augments thorium to uranium 233 (vs uranium 235) 12:23 which produces far less plutonium-239 (long-term radioactive, has military potential as weapons-grade material) 
13:00 it's not perfect - some thorium turns into U-232 which emits gamma rays
13:39 Why aren't there more thorium reactors? Building any reactor is expensive. 14:14 Development funds went into uranium reactors because at the time generating weapons of mass destruction was also important. 

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