Saturday, June 20, 2020

"S Town" Podcast, Horology and Clocks | Witness marks

An intriguing meandering story of a mysterious enigmatic recluse of eclectic interests who may have secreted away a vast fortune. One minor subplot explores his interest and virtuosic skill for  repairing antique clocks, or horology. 

Antique clocks do not have repair manuals. Their intricate inner workings must be intuited, then  reconstructed during their repair. Horologists "rely on what are often called 'witness marks' to guide their way. A witness mark could be a small dent, a hole that once held a screw: These are actual impressions and dent lines and discolorations left inside the clock of pieces that may have once been there. They are clues as to what was in the clockmaker's mind when he first created the thing. I'm told fixing an old clock can be maddening. You're constantly wondering if you've just spent hours going down a path that will likely take you nowhere, and all you've got are these vague witness marks which might not even mean what you think they mean."

The podcast series: 

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