Monday, June 15, 2020

Facts About Recycling

Some facts about recycling: 
-Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a T.V. for 3 hours.
-America alone uses over 80,000,000,000 aluminum pop cans every year.
-Americans throw  away enough aluminum every three months to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.

Steel is the most used and recycled metal 
– around 60% of all steel is recycled. 
Using recycled steel saves 74% of the energy opposed to producing them from raw ore.
On average a little more than 9,000 steel cans are removed from landfills with a magnet every minute

Paper and Glass
Using recyled paper saves 70% of the energy needed usings trees.
- To produce one week of Sunday newspapers in the USA 500,000 trees must be cut down.
- If everyone recycled their newspapers 250 million tree's could be saved every year.
- It takes 15 years for a tree to produce just 700 grocery bags.

The energy saved from one recycled glass bottle will run a 100 watt light bulb for 4 hours.

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