Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lucky coupon clipping frenzy buying pudding

"he managed to convert about 12,150 cups of Healthy Choice chocolate pudding into over a million Air Miles..."
"he’s the kind of guy who reads every inch of the small print on things..."
"for every 10 bar codes of their product a person sent in, they’d be awarded 500 Air Miles..."
"he found what he was looking for- a discount grocery chain that was selling individual chocolate pudding cups for 25 cents each. This meant that for a measly $2.50, he could get 1000 Air Miles..."
"his wife got blisters from peeling off hundreds of stickers and his kids and co-workers grew physically sick of the sheer amount of chocolate paste he was forcing on them..."
"David approached the local Salvation Army with an offer; if they gave him a bunch of volunteers to peel off all the bar codes on his pudding, he’d donate the pudding to them. But here’s the beautiful part, doing this counted as a considerable charitable donation, which let David claim just over $800 back in tax deductions at the end of they year..."
"he now officially had over a million miles in his frequent flyer accounts, which automatically gave him lifelong access to something called the “American Airlines AAdvantage Gold club”..."

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