Thursday, November 28, 2019

Nope, Aristotle Did Not Say, “It Is the Mark of an Educated Mind to Entertain a Thought Without Accepting It”

It's a "fake-istotle" apparently.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to find last-minute flight and hotel deals | The Seattle Times's "Cheap GetAway Deals", lets you search for flights, hotels and packages anywhere and anytime from your home airport.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lucky coupon clipping frenzy buying pudding

"he managed to convert about 12,150 cups of Healthy Choice chocolate pudding into over a million Air Miles..."
"he’s the kind of guy who reads every inch of the small print on things..."
"for every 10 bar codes of their product a person sent in, they’d be awarded 500 Air Miles..."
"he found what he was looking for- a discount grocery chain that was selling individual chocolate pudding cups for 25 cents each. This meant that for a measly $2.50, he could get 1000 Air Miles..."
"his wife got blisters from peeling off hundreds of stickers and his kids and co-workers grew physically sick of the sheer amount of chocolate paste he was forcing on them..."
"David approached the local Salvation Army with an offer; if they gave him a bunch of volunteers to peel off all the bar codes on his pudding, he’d donate the pudding to them. But here’s the beautiful part, doing this counted as a considerable charitable donation, which let David claim just over $800 back in tax deductions at the end of they year..."
"he now officially had over a million miles in his frequent flyer accounts, which automatically gave him lifelong access to something called the “American Airlines AAdvantage Gold club”..."

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Benefits of Starting an IRA for Your Child

"For 2019, the maximum your child can contribute to an IRA (either traditional or Roth) is the lesser of $6,000 or his or her taxable earnings for the year...Ideally, your child will receive a W-2 or Form 1099 for work performed...Many parents choose to "match" their child's earnings and make the IRA contribution themselves. For example, if your daughter earns $3,000 at a summer job, you can let her spend her money as she wishes and make the $3,000 IRA contribution with your own money...Remember to consider the IRS' gift tax rules. The contributions you make to a Roth IRA for your kid will count against the limit on tax-free gifts you can make to one person, which is $15,000 for 2019."

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Interesting Maps

Interesting maps - #8 Was missing when I received it.

1. This map shows the world divided into 7 sections (each with distinct color) --- each section containing 1 billion people.


2. This map shows (in white) where 98 percent of Australia 's entire population lives. 


3. It may not come as a surprise, but more people live inside the circle than outside it.


4. This map shows what is on the other side of the world from where you're standing.  For the most partit's water.


5. Apparently you can't get Big Macs everywhere.  This map shows (in red) the countries that have McDonalds.


6. This map shows the countries (in blue) where people drive on the left side of the road.


7. This map shows countries (in white) that England has never invaded  There are only 22 (in the whole world)!


9. This map shows the countries that have "heavily restricted access" to the Internet in 2013.


10. This map shows (in red) countries that were all Communist at one point in time.


11. This map shows (in red) the countries that don't use the metric system.


12. This map shows (in blue) places where Google  street view is available.


13.This map shows (in green) all the landlocked countries of the world.


14. And this is what the world would look like --- if all the countries with coastlines sank.


15. This is a map of the all the rivers in the United States.


16. And these are all the rivers that feed into the Mississippi River


17.This is a map of the highest paid public employees in the US.  (It is quite telling as to where our 'priorities' lie.)

18. This map shows how much space the United States would occupy on the moon.

A dozen electric hydrofoils surfboards

Lift $12000 and up
Jetfoiler TBD
Flite $13000 
Cabratec E5990 = $6666
HoverStar Flight Technology TBD
Albatross pre-order TBD
Elevate Eco-Foil E2500 as add-on to existing board
Flying Rodeo Slovenia E9600 = $10642 
EldoRIDEdo $13990
e-takuma E7000 = $7760
Avante  $7000
e-surfer E13000

5 healthy meal-delivery services in Seattle taste-tested | The Seattle Times

Munchery, Kendal's Kitchen (closed), Maven Meals, Eat Local and Fresh and Ready Meals (closed) reviewed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Donate used pills and medications

medicine sharing organization from Senegal  emerging to tackle the dual problems of waste and unaffordability by redirecting medications to low-income communities.

a Greek nonprofit that matches leftover medicines with people on low incomes.

eligible medications are:
  • Sealed/Unopened
  • 5+ months from expiration
  • Non-refrigerated
  • Non-controlled

Friday, November 8, 2019

Doug reminisces about baby-boomers

I am one of the 50 million Americans born from 1925-45, between the greatest generation and the worst and most coddled Baby Boomers. We are called the Silent Generation, a "still, small flame," and are characterized as non-whining, reserved, placid, modest, serene, marching to our own drumbeat, wishing to be left alone, and we are a generally quietly grateful lot...I don't whine, am exceptionally immune to the "tidal pull of popular opinion," and am quite grateful for my lot in life, especially my wife, kids, and grandkids. I fashion myself a (mostly) cheerful curmudgeon, preferring, as Democritus, to laugh at the world's ever-increasing folly, rather than weeping, as Heraclitus…though sometimes I do come close to tears. As W.C. Fields, I start every day off with a smile and get it over with.  I'm a man of the old school. In fact, if my "school" were any older I would be dead...We kept quiet (even I did) when growing up because children then were "seen, not heard." We are respectful of authority, preferring not to rock the boat. We believe hard work gets you ahead in life, no matter what your race or other defining characteristics. We are traditional and conventional and want to work within the system rather than topple it. We grow misty-eyed when we see generosity, decency, good manners. We take heart when we hear good music or see non-decadent movies, read great literature, enjoy a witty, intelligent conversation, or view traditional art. Again, we don't whine and are content to be ignored. We don't need approval to be proud. We are unlikely to boast about our achievements and are not much for chest-pounding or high-fiving, not least in athletic and other competitions.
   Early members of our generation survived the Great Depression and many fought in Korea (the forgotten war) and a few of the latecomers in the Vietnam war. We set the stage for an unprecedented explosion of creativity in the arts and technology--- otherwise known as the 1950s

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cleaning old LP records
A method of cleaning records. Short version you can watch from 2:22 for the special sound it makes as the glue comes off the record. And then plays noiselessly. I imagine, if you don't get the glue just right it could make a really sticky mess that ruins the record!

Package Thief Porch Pirate gets a Glitter Bomb
Ahhh, the beauty of revenge. 

How granite countertops are made

Some pretty heavy machinery and automation. 

Boyan Slat combats River pollution with The Interceptor
@1:10 - Just 1% of the world's rivers are responsible for 80% of plastic pollution entering the oceans. 

Most Popular Websites 1996 - 2019

I found this really intriguing to watch, probably because I lived through it all. 
Watch the meteoric rise and domination of 
1:07 eBay in 1999
1:43 Google in 2001
3:27 YouTube arrives 2006
3:32 Google takes the top spot and stays there, 2006
3:53 Facebook in 2007
6:02 Instagram 2013

Also, notice how numbers don't really decrease as they drop in ranking, they stay the same while the leaders rise exponentially. Yahoo goes from 5M at its peak down to just 3M at the end, while Google grows ten-fold. Also, I was surprised to see Amazon drop off the top ten websites in Jan 2017 @ 7:08

In a related video, this is how Google dominated email: simply by offering search capability, and free storage. They actually launched Gmail with no "delete email" capability to prove their point and change culture. 

Extreme Physics Pushing Moore’s Law to the Next Level

ASML, the essential company you've never heard of. 
@10:15 "The most technologically advanced machine of any kind, ever made"
Years of research and advances to achieve photolithography of silicon wafers with a much shorter wavelength of light shining through the reticle, or master copy, which allows much smaller resolution of the shapes in the final product, down to the level of the atom. 

Conrad Bora Bora Nui Hotel

-private island hotel in French Polynesia

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