Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Making a 350 liter engine.

At 11:28, it takes two weeks for the freshly-poured crankcase to cool before it can be lifted out of its mold.

At 28:38, they show how high hydrauliuc pressure is applied to the bolts before tightening the piston rod assembly. The reason is for precisely even and uniform tightening, putting even pressure on the whole gasket. "Even loading in each stud is important, especially in applications with gaskets. [Recomended] for applications with more than one stud. These Hydraulic Tensioners are [inter-connected to each other] and to the pump. As the hydraulic pressure increases, the tension in each stud is the same, and the flange comes together simultaneously and evenly."

High pressure hydraulic oil from a pump applies an accurate, axial load to the fastener. Once the system reaches a predetermined pressure, the operator uses a small bar to run the nut down by hand. This is easily accomplished because there is no load on the nut. 

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