Saturday, December 15, 2018

Walkable cities - 4 components

4 characteristics of walkable cities  
1 a reason to walk
   2 safe
   3 confortable
   4 interesting

(6:18) "Urban sprawl and traditional (walkable) neighborhoods contain all the same things - it's just how big they are, how close they are to each other, and how they are interspersed together."

(7:18) "Transit - you can have a perfectly walkable city without it, but perfectly walkable cities require public transit because if you don't have easy access to the whole city as a pedestrian, you get a car. And if you get a car, the city begins to reshape itself around your needs, and streets get wider and parking lots bigger."

(15:38) "So then, the comfortable walk has to do with the fact that all animals seek prospect and  refuge  We want to be able to see our predators, but we also want our flanks to be covered...the proper ratio of height to width...if you get beyond 1:6, you're not very comfortable any more. You don't feel enclosed."

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