Thursday, November 19, 2009

NYTimes: Building an Online Bulwark to Fend Off Identity Fraud

A list of online security techniques to avoid identity theft:
" 9.9 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2008"
"But a new breed of products is tackling the trickier matter of preventing identity theft. New approaches include scouring the Internet in search of signs that criminals have your information..." for example, searches to see "if a person’s Social Security number was found to be associated with a different address" $120/yr, a database created by Colin Holder, a 30-year veteran of Scotland Yard, that contains stolen records gathered from longtime, trusted informants.
Safe Central $20/yr which includes "a stripped-down and secure browser to use when banking, trading stocks, viewing health information or shopping online." "In this safe room of sorts, certain Windows features regularly abused by attackers have been disabled."

BASICS: Building an Online Bulwark to Fend Off Identity Fraud

A number of services go beyond reacting to identity thieves and
instead aim to safeguard users' personal information.

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