Tuesday, March 5, 2024

"Not at the Dinner Table" hidden Brain

"They found that what people cared about the most was not whether a future son-in-law or daughter-in-law had different politics, but how much the future in-Law wanted to talk about politics..."

"journalists favor the zealous voices of the deeply involved...(people who live, breathe and talk politics all the time)... social media you argue is an important part of the story... [the deeply involved] are more likely to occupy our social media feeds... They're gonna be the people who are gonna talk most passionately about politics. And so it sort of follows that journalists are gonna be heavily drawn to people who are deeply involved... "

" We discussed earlier how many Americans would be unhappy if that child married someone from the opposing political party. And what we found is that journalists vastly overestimated this level of polarization. They believe that something like half of Americans would be quite profoundly polarized when that is actually not the case... many journalists themselves live and work in communities of deep involvement in politics play a role in this as well."

"when we privilege the voices of the deeply involved at some level are we also privileging the voices of the privileged?...the person working three jobs to make ends meet, is probably not the person who really cares that the president was up at night tweeting made-up words, many working parents... might be too exhausted with work and childcare to be up in arms about the latest bruhaha on on Twitter."

@40:54 "the deeply involved in some ways have become our role models of how it is to be involved in politics... we actually asked people what they believe the most common member of the opposing party looks like. And then we actually measured what people from both parties look like... the difference between what the partisans actually look like and what people imagine the partisans actually look like was quite jarring."

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