Sunday, March 31, 2024

Are you listening?

Hidden Brain
17:02 the effects of poor listening were not experienced just by the listener. The effects of poor listening were being experienced by the speaker - 
more than 50% of the conversation is determined by the listener, not the speaker. 

A few days later, the speaker remembered less of their own story, if they had talked to a distracted listener. 

38:51 It's actually not our's our listening that can have an effect on people. So it's a great paradox that, in fact...if we were just focused on our goals of trying to knock people off from their point of view, we would be more effective if we actually did better listening. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Holobiont acoel flatworms

These intriguing worms reproduce asexually, and rely on internalized symbiotic algae for nutrients. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Funniest car review

You're gonna love this car review! It's by the daughter of the Top Gear host, who knows nothing about cars, so while he's busy talking about the specs, she's yelling at him saying "How do you turn the wipers on?¿!" If you only have a few seconds, start at 5:51 and watch her face. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Tajin - spice served on jicama in Mexico

 Tajin is a Mexican seasoning that you can find in the Latin section of your local grocery store. It's a simple mix of chili powder, salt, and dehydrated lime.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Urban Doom Loop explained

The pandemic surge in "working from home"  emptied, and devalues, office buildings, which in turn lowers civic tax revenue, which degrades public services, which makes office buildings less attractive to tenants, accelerating the exodus. 

Open AI robot progress

Hard to tell how much of this is "staged," but pretty impressive recognition, awareness, and adaptability. 
The robot knew exactly how to place 2 items in the dish rack. How specifically had it been "trained" to do that, or is that native general intelligence? 

How shellac is made.

2:06 the name "shellac" perhaps derives from "a hundred thousand" because it can take 300,000 insects to make just one kilogram of the product
2:52 refining the lac is a delicate balance of washing and 3:30 drying just the right amount
7:56 "confectioner's glaze" is a coating on junior mints, whoppers, and on lemons and citrus fruits
This reminds me of the red dye extracted from cochineal insects growing on cactus plants - 1:46 they excrete carminic acid to repel ants
Also this:

Friday, March 15, 2024

Re: How to improve AI writing results

A really useful instructional video on how to write the best prompts for Chat GPT. 

Task - "summarize this report as a table with the following headings" or "give me a witty answer" 
Context - "I received a lengthy investment report" 
Exemplar - "what's my greatest weakness - use the format 'situation - task - action - results'" 
Persona - think of someone you wish you had instant access to, who could provide the perfect answer. "You are a senior manager who's good at storytelling" 
Format - close your eyes and visualize the look of the end result
Tone - "a friendly and confident tone" or use mood words like "exuberant, sentimental, idyllic, tense, melancholy, not stuck-up" 

When refining a previous answer, specify "bold all changes you make."

In a similar video, the following are suggested:
Context + specific info + intent + response format
-be specific
-state your intent
-use correct spelling and grammar
-direct the output format
-ask follow-up question
-repeat and experiment with phrasing, changing the order
-can you fact-check that?

Example: " I'm a beginner cook. I'm trying to make Italian cuisine. Provide a simple and easy recipe with a numbered list of steps." 

Solar panel orientation: How using East-West structures improves the performance

Do you remember my question from a couple years ago?°* Why can east-west-oriented panels be placed closer together? 

Because the early-morning sun's angle casts a long shadow behind a south-facing solar panel, but hardly any relevant shadow behind an east-west one. 

I finally found an answer that goes into great detail with measurements in a variety of conditions. 

The biggest advantage of solar panels that face east-west is that power generation better matches the demand curve's morning and evening peaks - the so called "duck curve." 

Special bifacial panels that can make use of light hitting their back and front can absorb light reflected from behind the solar panels, especially if there's snow on the ground. 

Here's the video with the answer and results. Skip ahead to 4:33 and then 7:36 if you don't have time. 

From 2 years ago: 
°(I'm still not sure why you can squeeze more panels into the same area with this orientation.)

To answer your question:  Easterly or westerly facing panels can be more vertically sloped because the sun's declension is lower — southern facing panels capture light rays from the sun when it's more overhead. 

I've noticed that south facing windows collect less summer sunlight & heat than east or west facing windows at Nova Scotian latitudes (our bedroom faces west BTW!)

The non-south-oriented solar panels probably compliment their 1.0 panels to mete out power all day long. 


On my journey across the country, I've noticed several solar farms facing (counterintuitively) East, instead of South. Apparently generating less power at more  favorable times of day is worth more than having higher peak, and total, generation. (I'm still not sure why you can squeeze more panels into the same area with this orientation.)
"the reason why solar arrays that are situated east-west are becoming an industry trend rapidly is because these structures can squeeze in more rows and panels, and therefore a greater generation capacity than their south-north facing cousins (in terms of the project surface, not generation capacity per module" 

*Mark & Chris, you weren't included in my tedious emails at the time. 

How to improve AI writing results

A really useful instructional video on how to write the best prompts for Chat GPT. 

Task - "summarize this report as a table with the following headings" or "give me a witty answer" 
Context - "I received a lengthy investment report" 
Exemplar - "what's my greatest weakness - use the format 'situation - task - action - results'" 
Persona - think of someone you wish you had instant access to, who could provide the perfect answer. "You are a senior manager who's good at storytelling" 
Format - close your eyes and visualize the look of the end result
Tone - "a friendly and confident tone" or use mood words like "exuberant, sentimental, idyllic, tense, melancholy, not stuck-up" 

When refining a previous answer, specify "bold all changes you make."

Growing harvested meat cells in culture

A cardiologist turns to growing near cells in culture, and tackles their lack of immune response by strict antiseptic technique - wouldn't it be better if only robots were allowed in the factory? 

Great question to elicit a story

Tell me about a stranger that you'll never forget. 

The Brachistochrone problem

Neil DeGrasse Tyson gives an elegant and effortless description of why rockets don't launch straight up, but roll and turn down range - the Brachistochrone problem flipped upside down. 

Death stink fungus

Spreads its spores suspended in the sticky pungent "gleba" that attracts flies who carry it on their legs. 

Best advice Adele ever got

4:17 "the best advice I ever got was "Keep your heart safe and your music dangerous." 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Spice served on jicama in Mexico

Tajin is a Mexican seasoning you can likely find in the Latin section of your local grocery store. It's just a simple mix of chili powder, salt, dehydrated lime.

Prevalence of cilantro disliking among different ethnocultural groups

prevalence of dislike ranged from 3 to 21%. The proportion of subjects classified as disliking cilantro was 21% for East Asians, 17% for Caucasians, 14% for those of African descent, 7% for South Asians, 4% for Hispanics, and 3% for Middle Eastern subjects.

Challenges and benefits of Rainwater harvesting and storage systems for domestic supply.

"[42% of] cisterns built with concrete...composed of cement, water, aggregate materials, and additives...rainwater comes into contact with pollutants [which lowers] its pH below 5.6, [thus] releasing minerals into the water [from the concrete, altering] hardness, conductivity, bicarbonates, total alkalinity, calcium, nitrates, zinc, sulfates and magnesium; which can be harmful to health...a lack of planning in the construction of the concrete tank can cause cracks [that admit] mosquitoes, representing a health risk for users suffering from vector-borne diseases such as chikungunya, zika, yellow fever."

"more than 90% of the population wash their hands more frequently (approximately six times a day) and also 85% of households were also able to use the latrine more frequently after implementing the rainwater harvesting and storage systems"

"An increase in classroom attendance was achieved due to greater availability over time and a decrease in illnesses among children and women"

In China, "seventeen provinces have adopted rainwater harvesting and storage systems since 2001 and have built more than 5.5 million tanks for drinking water and supplemental irrigation throughout China"

"Between 2007 and 2013 approximately 34% of Australian households installed a rainwater tank. The increase in tank installation is attributed to water restrictions, favorable regulations and price factors. Households outside of state capitals had the highest rate of implementation. The primary motivation for installing a rainwater harvesting and storage system was to save drinking water."

""One Million Cisterns" program in Brazil, which benefited around two million people"

Cost of Guatamelan rain water harvesting system

Each combined water harvesting system and bio-wastewater filter along with training will cost US$133 per family. The reach is intended to benefit 400 families... with major food, health and livelihood benefits.

"in the remote village of Tuilam, and it will provide a rainwater harvesting system for a village of around 400 inhabitants for a budgeted cost of $40,000 USD."

"Each reservoir holds up to 16,000 L of water, and can be built for a total of about $900." [no filtration, suitable for irrigation only]

Rainwater harvesting from rooftop catchments. 
"Annual rainfall ranging from less than 500 to more than 1500 mm can be found in most Latin American countries... 
"The following questions need to be considered in areas where a rainwater cistern system project is being considered, to establish whether or not rainwater catchment warrants further investigation:
- Is there a real need for an improved water supply?
- Are present water supplies either distant or contaminated, or both?
- Do suitable roofs and/or other catchment surfaces exist in the community?
- Does rainfall exceed 400 mm per year?
- Does an improved water supply figure prominently in the community's list of development priorities?"

"The water ultimately is stored in a storage tank or cistern, which should also be constructed of an inert material. Reinforced concrete, fiberglass, or stainless steel are suitable materials."
" All rainwater tank designs should include as a minimum requirement:
- A solid secure cover
- A coarse inlet filter
- An overflow pipe
- A manhole, sump, and drain to facilitate cleaning
- An extraction system that does not contaminate the water; e.g., a tap or pump
- A soakaway to prevent spilled water from forming puddles near the tank... "

"The main sources of external contamination are pollution from the air, bird and animal droppings, and insects. Bacterial contamination may be minimized by keeping roof surfaces and drains clean but cannot be completely eliminated. If the water is to be used for drinking purposes, filtration and chlorination or disinfection by other means (e.g., boiling) is necessary."
"A procedure for eliminating the "foul flush" after a long dry spell deserves particular attention. The first part of each rainfall should be diverted from the storage tank since this is most likely to contain undesirable materials which have accumulated on the roof and other surfaces between rainfalls."

"The cost of this technology varies considerably depending on location, type of materials used, and degree of implementation. In Brazil, the cost of a 30-cubic-meter cistern in rural areas of the Northeast is around $900, depending on the material used. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, costs as low as $2 to $5/1000 liters are reported. Construction costs for underground cisterns can vary tremendously, based on the size and the amount of excavation required. In Saint Lucia, the average cost of a 1500 liter plastic tank is $125. In the Chaco region of Paraguay...cost of a 30-cubic-meter cistern...reported to be $2000, while the construction of a 6000-cubic-meter cistern, including windmill-driven pumps and distribution piping, has been estimated at $8400."

A long list of contacts is at the end of the article. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sand filter water system

I remember the effort you put into your clever sand-filter water purification video. We're visiting Meaghan's Uncle who supports a lot of charity work in Guatamela, and getting good local leadership, reliable water, medical supplies, and micro-loans for business are his priorities. 

Anyway, I immediately thought of you as I read this proposal for a solar-powered water purification system for remote, resource-poor communities. 

Rainwater has a short shelf-life, unless it's filtered and treated, and recirculated to continuously keep it potable. In resource-poor locations, a solar-powered recirculation and filtration system for collected rainwater could provide water sustainably. 

Before reading this, I did not realize the beneficial effect of debris in the holding tank, and organisms growing in the sand filter. 

"Rainwater is regarded as a clean source of water due to its lack of contaminants and hard metals."

The rooves and surfaces that collect rainwater can't be guaranteed to be clean - "Pollutants on these catchments areas include leaves, dust particles and droppings of various animals. Due to these pollutants, it is necessary to filter and purify the water" 

Holding tank: "Debris such as pollen and oil-based matter form a floating layer on the water surface. This builds up over time and eventually insulates the water from the air. This prevents the transfer of oxygen into the water, reducing the amount of aerobic microbial action that takes place." 

"a slow sand filter in such a system design is a viable solution to provide potable water" 

"After the rain is collected on the roof it flows through the following process steps: "Good primary rainwater filtration 
Calming inlets 
Floating suctions 
Surface skimming overflows in the tanks 
Post Filtration" 

The WISY filter "filters away any particles larger than 28 microns" 

"A slow sand filter was selected because it does not require a pump to force the water through the filter - it is run by gravitational force... Slow sand filtration has been an effective water treatment process for preventing the spread of gastrointestinal diseases for over 150 years...process is based on the ability of organisms to remove pathogens. 

The top layers of the sand become biologically active by the establishment of a microbial community on the top layer of the sand...The majority of the community are predatory bacteria that feed on water-borne microbes passing through the filter..." 

"After the fine filtration stage, the water will pass through an active carbon filter. From here the remaining bacteria in the water will be removed by passing the water over an ultra-violet filter."

"Very effective removal of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, turbidity and heavy metals in contaminated freshwater... simplicity of design... no (electrical) pumps required... Local materials can be used for construction... No necessity for the application of chemicals... Long lifespan (estimated >10 years) 


"constant flow of low-turbidity fresh water required...Sandbed must be kept wet at all times... Cold temperatures lower the efficiency... regular maintenance essential... requirement of a large land area, large quantities of filter media and manual labour for cleaning..." 

2.5 Solar Power "For the system to be fully automated and provide potable water for the household... an element of pumping will be required." 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Possible treatment for M.S.

95% of population gets EBV, only 0.04% get MS
B cells then T cells attack EBV protein that has an identical protein sequence in it to myelin

Hold on - suicide hotline music while on hold

The Radiolab podcasts are always interesting, but the latest is a fascinating journey through human nature, a researcher finding a gold mine and doing something useful with it, a good cause falling apart but being rescued by the government, a lone government employee rising above bureaucracy and red tape, and a heartwarming P.S. that asks "what does a warm hug feel like in music?"

"Not at the Dinner Table" hidden Brain

"They found that what people cared about the most was not whether a future son-in-law or daughter-in-law had different politics, but how much the future in-Law wanted to talk about politics..."

"journalists favor the zealous voices of the deeply involved...(people who live, breathe and talk politics all the time)... social media you argue is an important part of the story... [the deeply involved] are more likely to occupy our social media feeds... They're gonna be the people who are gonna talk most passionately about politics. And so it sort of follows that journalists are gonna be heavily drawn to people who are deeply involved... "

" We discussed earlier how many Americans would be unhappy if that child married someone from the opposing political party. And what we found is that journalists vastly overestimated this level of polarization. They believe that something like half of Americans would be quite profoundly polarized when that is actually not the case... many journalists themselves live and work in communities of deep involvement in politics play a role in this as well."

"when we privilege the voices of the deeply involved at some level are we also privileging the voices of the privileged?...the person working three jobs to make ends meet, is probably not the person who really cares that the president was up at night tweeting made-up words, many working parents... might be too exhausted with work and childcare to be up in arms about the latest bruhaha on on Twitter."

@40:54 "the deeply involved in some ways have become our role models of how it is to be involved in politics... we actually asked people what they believe the most common member of the opposing party looks like. And then we actually measured what people from both parties look like... the difference between what the partisans actually look like and what people imagine the partisans actually look like was quite jarring."

"Not at the Dinner Table" hidden Brain

"They found that what people cared about the most was not whether a future son-in-law or daughter-in-law had different politics, but how much the future in-Law wanted to talk about politics..."

Healing 2.0: What We Gain from Pain | Hidden Brain podcast

@30:08 "if you look at the relationship between the number of adverse life events people reported in their lifetime and the expression of compassion, they found that people who were, who had experienced higher levels of cumulative lifetime adversity were more compassionate. They were more willing to engage in prosocial behavior." 

"They also found that to the extent to which you experience higher levels of cumulative lifetime adversity, you are less prone to be overwhelmed by the number of people who are suffering...this is called the numeracy bias...when you see one person suffering, you feel like, oh, I can do something with that person. But when you hear that like a whole country has a refugee crisis, you tend not to get involved. Because you feel like, well, this is overwhelming. I don't think I can do anything about this, so I'm not going to engage. It turns out that people who have experienced a high level of lifetime adversity are immune to this bias."  

@33:04 "they found that to the extent to which people engage in that type of self-reflection, those people are much more likely to increase in wisdom and increase in wellbeing after going through a change in life event..."

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Video from a single photo that matches audio

Very convincing video generated from a single photo, matches full facial expressions and head movements to audio input. 
10:07 They added a "speed controller" and "face region controller" to make facial expressions consistent and stable. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Fastest camera drone ever, chasing a formula 1 car.

I enjoyed this video a lot more than I'd have thought. They pushed drone technology to its limit. It shows the skill level of race car drivers from a new perspective.

You can start at 9:20 to skip over all the development challenges and failures. 

They gloss over the difficulty level for the drone pilot, having to fly backwards to achieve the dramatic braking at sharp corners, while keeping the race car in frame, and maintaining altitude around obstacles (particularly at the corner at 11:15 in the video.) Incredible flying. 

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