Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Corn Slime That Could Change The World

Self-fertilizing corn:
2:24 nitrogen is essential to all plants 
2:50 "grains make up 50% of the world diet, [but grains can't extract nitrogen from the air and need expensive nitrogen fertilizer applied, 50% of which runs off the field into waterways, polluting them]"
4:42 "the slime contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria usually found in the soil. The gel [excludes oxygen] allowing the bacterium to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use." 

3:46 If this attribute could be transferred to other grain plants, there would be advantages in scientific, ecological, and financial realms. 

6:28 The video goes on to explain how the company researching this phenomenon is giving back profits to the small Mexican town where this unique species was discovered. 

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