Thursday, February 3, 2022

It’s a Terrible Idea to Deny Medical Care to Unvaccinated People - The Atlantic

Useful article about how doctors are called (and mandated) to treat the sick as they find them... regardless of the choices they have made. 

It's easy to forget how fundamental the ethics are of treating everyone regardless of the choices they've made. 

""We don't use the medical-care system as a way of meting out justice. We don't use it to punish people for their social choices."... "We have an ethical obligation to provide care for people regardless of the choices they made, and that stands true for our unvaccinated patients."
"People whose actions endangered themselves, like smokers with lung cancer or drivers who crash while not wearing a seatbelt, still get treated. Those whose actions endangered others, like drunk drivers or terrorists, also get treated. "We are all sinners," ... a fundamental principle of modern medicine that "everyone has an equal claim to relief from suffering, no matter what they've done or haven't done,"

[The reasons someone is unvaccinated may be more practical than philisophical or political - the article goes on to say - ]

"people who live in poor neighborhoods might not have a local pharmacy, or public transport that would take them to one, or internet access that would allow them to book an appointment. People who earn hourly wages might not have time for a vaccination appointment, or paid sick leave for weathering any [vaccine] side effects.

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