Friday, February 25, 2022

Good Podcast on sleep

One big takeaway was to not allow your brain to associate your bed with being unable to fall asleep - if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, it's important to get up and go somewhere else in your home and do something soothing like reading, then return to bed once you get sleepy. Otherwise your brain too easily associates bed with not sleeping.

Avoid caffeine after 10 am.

It's extremely rare to need less than 7 1/2 hours sleep - you may feel you can function ok, but a broad spectrum of health measures will reveal deleterious effects. 

Sleep latency is normally 20 minutes or so - less than that may mean that you're sleep-deprived. That is, it's not a good thing if you fall asleep immediately. 

Counting sheep, or even looking at the advancing time on a clock, is proven to worsen your chances of getting good sleep. Better to imagine a familiar journey and walk yourself through that journey, to soothe your mind into sleep with a distracting prolonged thought. 

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