Sunday, January 23, 2022

What to say to people in hospice, suffering from tragedy and cancer and so on

Walking alongside thise that suffer:
"When people go through suffering, their lives are often transformed, deepened, and marked with beauty and holiness, in remarkable ways that could never have been anticipated before the suffering. So, instead of continuing to focus on preventing suffering – which we simply won't be very successful at anyway  perhaps we should begin entering the suffering, participating insofar as we are able   entering the mystery and looking around for God."
- Eugene Peterson

"I'd like to bring you a meal - can I email you about it?"
"You're a beautiful person."
"I'm so grateful to hear how you're doing, and just know that I'm on your side."
"Can I just give you a hug?"
"Show up and shut up."

- From the second appendix, in 

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