Monday, February 3, 2020


The Obscure Virus Club: If it weren't for these few obstinate, quirky, determined, outcast scientists, the AIDS epidemic would have taken a lot longer to conquer. 

Radiolab - Man Against Horse. A discussion of how our large gluteus maximus makes us uniquely human, was critical to our evolution, and allows us to outrun a horse. This latter fact really surprised me, and it's only a rare human that can do it, but it actually happened.

This American Life: No coincidence - no story. This podcast recounts various incredible coincidences, with one truly touching story about a dollar bill that returned like a message in a bottle.

Why we love surprises. A psychologist researchers surprise plot twists in movies, and magician's deceptions, to uncover what our brains are easily blinded by.

Hidden Brain - emotional currency. How money evolved, and represents human relationships. 
 129 cars - the immense pressure car salesmen are under to sell an arbitrary quota of vehicles set by the manufacturer, and what it drives them to do to meet that target.

What's going on in there? An immensely sad tale of a young teenager caught in an abusive relationship, returning to the abuse for years. And, a touching story of a son finally connecting with his father who only spoke a different language. 

Switched at birth. A convoluted and bizarre tale of babies switched at birth, knowingly (to two of the 4 parents) and the havoc, jealousy, isolation, and sadness it wreaked when that mother revealed the secret 4 decades later.

Boeing's broken dreams - a former safety inspector laments the shortcuts taken to deliver the Dreamliner on time and on budget, saying he would never fly on one.

You can't hit unsend - how a young teen's acceptance to Harvard was suddenly rescinded.


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