Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Instagram traps" a new art museum fad

Museums reinventing themselves for a new media-frenzied generation.

An interesting perspective on how museums are changing in an era of ubiquitous cell phones, and museums are accommodating by relaxing their "no photography" policies.

I hate her use of "mediate" at 3:04, where she's saying "connect with others through social media." I realize mediate can mean to "be a means of conveying," but surely it's to convey something formal like legal principles or philosophy concepts.
But, I'm sad to report it's a legitimate use of the word mediate.

That use of the word mediating is right up there with "concertize" and "incentivize," "actioning," and "updation."

"Updation," curiously, is courteous of the OED.

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