Thursday, September 20, 2018


Here's a photography composition idea I was reminded of recently called diptych.
A diptych is traditionally a pair of paintings or carvings in a double frame, where ideally you learn something more about each painting from the one that's paired with it. 
It's a nice trick in photography to show more about a subject, like different expressions and poses of the same celebrity that give you a better picture of their personality. 
Or to contrast before and after:

What I really like, though, is when a photographer creates a juxtaposition that has some irony or lesson within the comparison of the two photos. 
And the ultimate for me is when it's one photograph with some natural dividing line in the middle that contrasts two ideas. I call that a natural diptych, for lack of a better term, when the photographer finds a natural dividing line that produces two halves that tell contrasting stories.
Poverty and aspirational riches and leisure:

Speed and stationary (I like how the dividing line here is a "V" of the platform edge that accentuates the speed of the train. 

Horizontally oriented, showing before the dive and before surfacing. 

Light and dark

Here is a clever variation on a diptych where you can slide a vertical line to compare Nealy identical subjects taken in South vs North Korea.

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