Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hyperlipdemic bronchorrhea

Is there a connection between eating a fatty meal and increased bronchial secretions?
"...A high-fat meal augments neutrophilic airway inflammation, with the effect dependent on the type of fat consumed. A high-fat meal also suppresses bronchodilator recovery in asthma..."
A high-fat challenge increases airway inflammation and impairs bronchodilator recovery in asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;127:1133–40. 

Are our eyes getting worse? - The myopia pandemic

The video is a little sensationalist, but if nearsightedness progresses to the more advanced level of high myopia, complications like glaucoma, cataracts and retinal detachment may occur. 

Myopia prevalence is increasing to pandemic proportions, perhaps because of how close we hold something we're reading, or perhaps because of the angle of our gaze when reading which makes the eye muscles stretch the eye's shape.

"The researchers found a tendency towards more myopic progression with a steeper downward angle of gaze when reading."
Reading too close is a "chicken or the egg" conundrum, because people may hold things close to read because of their developing myopia, or the converse.
"Higher myopia was associated with a shorter reading distance in girls at the last two of the three yearly follow-ups, but not at other visits. However, it seems logical that myopes might hold their reading material close, especially when not using spectacles, so it is difficult to conclude whether the association is causal."

The Unexpected Secret to the Perfect Pie Crust

$1 Street Food Around The World

Intriguing project with an identical sequence of events buying the cheapest thing at food vendors around the world.

Behind the scenes of McDonald's

The chop-editing on this documentary actually works well, as the segments get shorter and shorter toward the end. And, the numbers regarding McDonalds are truly staggering.

War on Electric Scooters

John Stossel swimming upstream, as usual, and pointing out the irony of the angry clamor over electric scooters, when they're actually a pretty green alternative.

How wildlife films warp time

A nice discussion of how BBC has continually pushed the boundaries of nature photography.

Hummingbird in a Wind Tunnel | Deep Look

1:24 - Hummingbirds move their wings in a figure-of-8 motion so that they can generate lift on both the downstroke and upstroke, so to speak.

Making the World’s Best Green Tea

Soon to be a lost art.

Open Layout Homes have huge energy costs

The popular "open floor plan" uses more electricity for heating and especially for cooling. At 1:59 she says the US uses more energy for cooling than the entire continent of Africa uses for all of their electricity needs.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Last Meal on the Titanic

This guest house in Belfast re-creates the 9-course dinner served on the titanic. Incredibly fussy and indulgent. 


I had never heard of propolis, mentioned at 4:46 in this video. 

Wikipedia mentions some surprising facts - a hive cn have as much as one pound of propolis kept on reserve for emergency patches to keep intruders out, or for mummifying an intruder who dies in the hive and is too big to move out.
Propolis properties may include:
  1. reinforce the structural stability and provide thermal insulation to the hive
  2. reduce vibration
  3. make the hive more defensible by narrowing the existing entrance (in wild colonies) to a single "choke point"
  4. make the hive more defensible by sealing holes: a hive will have a propolis cache (as much as one pound!) for emergency patch jobs
  5. prevent diseases and parasites from entering the hive, and to inhibit fungal and bacterial growth.
  6. mitigate putrefaction within the hive. Bees usually carry waste out of and away from the hive. However, if a small lizard or mouse, for example, finds its way into the hive and dies there, bees may be unable to carry it out through the hive entrance. In that case, they would attempt instead to seal the carcass in propolis, essentially mummifying it and making it odorless and harmless.

Starbucks, are you listening?
Asymmetrical hinged legs make this table wobble-proof.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Instagram traps" a new art museum fad

Museums reinventing themselves for a new media-frenzied generation.

An interesting perspective on how museums are changing in an era of ubiquitous cell phones, and museums are accommodating by relaxing their "no photography" policies.

I hate her use of "mediate" at 3:04, where she's saying "connect with others through social media." I realize mediate can mean to "be a means of conveying," but surely it's to convey something formal like legal principles or philosophy concepts.
But, I'm sad to report it's a legitimate use of the word mediate.

That use of the word mediating is right up there with "concertize" and "incentivize," "actioning," and "updation."

"Updation," curiously, is courteous of the OED.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Here's a photography composition idea I was reminded of recently called diptych.
A diptych is traditionally a pair of paintings or carvings in a double frame, where ideally you learn something more about each painting from the one that's paired with it. 
It's a nice trick in photography to show more about a subject, like different expressions and poses of the same celebrity that give you a better picture of their personality. 
Or to contrast before and after:

What I really like, though, is when a photographer creates a juxtaposition that has some irony or lesson within the comparison of the two photos. 
And the ultimate for me is when it's one photograph with some natural dividing line in the middle that contrasts two ideas. I call that a natural diptych, for lack of a better term, when the photographer finds a natural dividing line that produces two halves that tell contrasting stories.
Poverty and aspirational riches and leisure:

Speed and stationary (I like how the dividing line here is a "V" of the platform edge that accentuates the speed of the train. 

Horizontally oriented, showing before the dive and before surfacing. 

Light and dark

Here is a clever variation on a diptych where you can slide a vertical line to compare Nealy identical subjects taken in South vs North Korea.

30% of honey is fraudulently diluted with other syrup

They tested imported honey, results at 2:15

At 8:12, he says that 30% of all honey worldwide is diluted with non-honey sweeteners.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Crazy scallops

I had no idea scallops could move like this!

How Ink Is Made

The three-roller mill imparts a lot of shear stress on the pigment particles to render a high gloss finish.
This guy loves his job!

Kind of reminds me of conching chocolate.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How Much Fuel Idling Uses

Finally! An answer to this question. I've wondered this many times. Wait for's worth the wait.

Reminder sound on your device - how is it created?

I had no idea there this much thought that goes into a notification sound on your device. This sounds is meant to say "ready to go?"
(I guess it helps get the job if you resemble a member of Led Zeppelin.)

Fire ants can teach robots about teamwork

Oh good! So when I'm being lazy on the team, I'm actually helping. And there's science to prove it. I just didn't want to get in your way while you're working so hard there, on my team.

How to remove a broken bolt recessed in a deep hole

It's so simple to remove a snapped bolt deep in a hole. You just use these impossibly difficult to obtain unusual things that no one has ever heard of like a "socket-headed bolt," spend an hour drilling a hole through the centre of it, and tediously tap and turn with a screw extractor for hours. No problem.

Nigerian Dance Crew Impressing Everyone

An inspiring story, lifting kids up from poverty, teaching them a skill, and giving them hope beyond the life of a huckster.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Men are sicker than women when coming in with sudden gallbladder problems.

Is gallbladder inflammation more severe in male patients presenting with acute cholecystitis?

Severe gallbladder inflammation (gangrenous and necrotizing cholecystitis) was seen in a significant portion of the male population compared to the female population (p = 0.002).

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why You Should Freeze Your Tofu

Interesting - freezing and thawing makes the tofu more spongy, absorbent, and a better texture.

6 Not So Obvious Tips From Experienced Landlords

Great tips for landlords.

Be wary of tenants who want to pay rent up front - does it mean they're spendthrift and can't hold on to money? Or they want to limit contact because they want to set up a grow-op?

Look inside their car - is it full of garbage? (Their apartment will be also.)

Ask them how many animals they have. Don't ask "Do you have animals," which is not allowed, instead,  presume they have animals and ask "how many" which, in an underhanded way, is not the same invasion of privacy.

Reject people who claim their animal is going to be  living somewhere else - they will unfailingly bring it to their apartment.

Prevent people from stealing your photos to scam people out of rent based on your legitimate photos. To prevent this, watermark your photos with your phone number, and scammers will move on to other photos to steal.

Don't put the exact address in the ads, only the cross streets which gives prospective renters enough of an idea of the neighborhood. Believe it or not, scammers will go to the address, change the locks, falsely advertise your property, accept someone's deposit/rent money and're left with no money, a bewildered tenant who's lost hundreds of dollars and doesn't want to leave. At 2:33 she describes the scam in detail.

Don't grab a pre-written lease off the internet. You need a watertight lease written by your lawyer that specifically complies with local laws, and covers things like smoking, pets, parking, painting the walls, and other issues that may not be covered by a generic lease.

Have the tenant initial beside every paragraph as you read the entire lease to them, so they can't later claim they didn't read it.

Write everything down - you never know when you might need it, and proof you have kept good records may be crucial. Note that communication by text message may not be accepted by courts as adequate communication - to be sure, send it by mail. Registered mail if there's an issue or dispute with the tenant.

Siphon coffee

Have you heard of Starbucks Roastery locations? They showcase new varieties and new techniques with very expensive cups of coffee. This is the "siphon" technique, where the lower chamber gets sealed off and steam then pushes the water up. Then when removed from heat the vapor condenses and draws the coffee back down through the filter. It's essentially percolation but assisted by the vacuum created by the condensing water vapor.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pepper increases absorption of turmeric.

Piperine, a compound found in black pepper that's responsible for its pungency, can greatly improve absorption of turmeric in the body.
"curcumin...cannot be utilised because of poor bioavailability due to its rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall...piperine, a known inhibitor of hepatic and intestinal glucuronidation... Concomitant administration of piperine 20 mg produced much higher concentrations from 0.25 to 1 h post drug (P < 0.01 at 0.25 and 0.5 h; P < 0.001 at 1 h), the increase in bioavailability was 2000%"

Dancing flame LED Solar Torch Lights

An improvement on solar garden lights, with a realistic looking flame, as seen on (what look like) independent un-sponsored videos.

About $13 each on Amazon:
(if the link doesn't work, search for "solar dancing flame LED" on these sites.)

More expensive $16 each, surprisingly, on AliExpress despite looking through dozens of similar offers.

And $24 each on

Census data: In which jobs are most likely to use public transit?

College professors - many colleges and universities are highly accessible by transit.

2) housekeepers - income is, of course, one factor that informs the decision to take transit...housekeepers and food-preparation workers...average less than $25,000 a year for full-time work in King County.

3) computer programmers - access. A lot of tech employers are located in job centers where transit is plentiful, driving is a major hassle and the cost of parking is astronomical.

And the lowest rate of transit ridership are highly paid professionals, including physicians and surgeons, aerospace engineers, chief executives — they’re all at around four or five percent.

elementary and middle-school teachers have an even lower rate — 3 percent...few schools are located in job centers where there’s easy access to transit.

Carpenters and construction workers also rank close to the bottom, and transit may not be a good option for many who have to carry tools or equipment to the job site.

Almost no real-estate agents and brokers use transit, placing them at the very bottom of the list. Meeting clients, driving to property showings and hosting open houses make having a car essential.

What's in those containers on ships?

A poster from the State Fair sponsored by northwest shipping interests details what we export in containers.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Warren Buffett's 5/25 Rule Will Help You Focus On The Things That Matter

Simple technique to simplify your plans for your future.

Dutch scientists close to 'breakthrough' method of growing crops in deserts

I'd love to know more - growing plants in harsh environments with very little water.

Sugar | How It's Made

Bagasse - leftover pulp from the sugar cane stem
Brix - sugar concentration by refractometry
Sulfitation - cane juice is dropped through sulfur dioxide vapors, to bleach the juice
Alkalization - lime moves with juice for six hours to help clarify it
Massecuite - the mixture of molasses and sugar crystals after boiling, before centrifugation

Why do human testicles hang like that? - Scientific American Blog Network

I was at the State Fair, where certain gonads were in plain view, and it raised some evolutionary questions which are thoroughly addressed in this article. I like how he doesn't too quickly dismiss the handicap principle before moving on to the activation hypothesis.

"descended scrotal testicles: that they serve as a sort of “ cold storage” and production unit for sperm, which keep best at lower body temperatures...heat of a woman's vagina radically jumpstarts sperm that have been hibernating in the cool, airy scrotal sack...why in all of evolution would nature have designed a body part with such obviously enormous reproductive importance to hang off the body so defenseless and vulnerable?...male gonads in some phylogenetic lineages went in completely different directions, evolutionary speaking. For example, modern elephants’ testicles remain undescended and are deeply embedded in the body cavity (a trait referred to as “testicond”), whereas other mammals, such as seals, have descended testicles but are ascrotal, with the gonads simply being subcutaneous....the arteries that supply blood to the scrotum are positioned adjacent to the veins taking blood away from the scrotum and function as an additional cooling/heating exchange mechanism...When the ambient temperature rises to body temperature levels, there is a temporary increase in sperm motility (that is to say, they become more lively), but only for a period of time before fizzing out. To be more exact, sperm thrive at body temperature for 50 minutes to four hours, the average length of time it takes for them to journey through the female reproductive tract...descended scrotal testicles evolved to both capitalize on this copulation/insemination contingent temperature enhancement and function to prevent premature activation of sperm by keeping testicular temperatures below the critical value set by body temperatures...other ancillary hypotheses connected to the activation hypothesis...humans’ well-documented preference--and one rather unique in the animal kingdom--for nighttime sex can be at least partially explained by temperature-sensitive testicles...Additionally, after nighttime sex the woman is likely to sleep, thus remaining in a stationary, often supine position that also maximizes the odds of may still seem odd to you that nature would have invested so heavily in such a precipitously placed genetic bank. After all, we’re still left with the curious fact that our precious gametes are literally hanging in the balance in a completely unprotected vessel...Enter pain. Not just any pain, but the unusually acute, excruciating pain accompanying testicular injury...If you’re male, the reason that you probably wince when you hear the word “squash” or “rupture” paired with “testicle” but not with, say, “arm” or “spleen” is because testicles are disproportionately more vital to your reproductive success than these other body parts are. I, for one, had to pause to cover myself just by typing those former words together. It’s not that those other body parts aren’t adaptively important, but variation in pain sensitivity across different bodily regions, according to this view, reflects the vulnerability and importance different adaptations play in your reproductive success. Male ancestors who learned to protect their gonads would have left more descendants...

Why protected bike lanes are more valuable than parking spaces

I finally get it. Despite all the noise people make complaining about bike lanes, their cost, and the traffic lanes and parking spaces they take away, here is the big picture. The turning point for NYC was when stats (2:19) showed less accidents and increased retail sales in local businesses, both by a factor of two, and cars now had a dedicated turn lane that eased congestion.

You can read between the lines in the harsh, raspy tones of her voice, in how she speaks of the process,  that it was a hard-won fight. It took someone tough and driven, with their eye always on the big picture, to push this through on outspoken New Yorkers.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Using British Airways Avios Points

Alaska Airlines is also a British Airways partner, which means you have access to Alaska's flights to Hawaii as well (though you'll need to call in order to book Alaska flights with Avios since they aren't searchable at 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Why Does Protein Stick to the Pan? --> leave it longer.

This short video makes a simple point about meat sticking to the pan that I never understood before.

Asphalt Pavement Recycling

I thought it was a pretty simple thing to recycle asphalt: grind up highways, melt them down, and pave with them. It turns out it's best to have less than 15% recycled material.

"However, in the case when higher amounts of recycled ashpalt (i.e. greater than 25%) are used, the stiffness properties of the mixture increase (significantly in some cases) and it may be necessary to lower the performance grade of the binder or use blending charts..."
There are competing engineering concerns of the pavement getting too runny (forming ruts) or being too stiff and forming cracks in winter (thermal cracks, like the cracks on molasses cookies,) let alone environmental concerns of asphalt petrochemicals leaching into the water supply.

A recent paving project on Seattle's Vashon island, where environmental concerns run high, caused a lot of angst. Those keen to recycle wanted these truckloads of material to stay on the island. Those wanting protection of the Puget Sound watershed wanted the material trucked off the island - 1250 dump truck loads. Vashon has been designated a "critical aquifer recharge area," which means anything that could damage groundwater has to be reviewed and permitted.
It sounds like the contractor delivered the asphalt millings to local islanders to use as gravel, to save money, and is now being fined for it because of concerns that rainwater will leach chemicals out of the asphalt millings.
It will be interesting to see what happens - this asphalt was already sitting on the island as road surface, exposed to rain, and now it's finely ground so it has more surface area but otherwise it's the same substance that was on the roads, passing little new environmental concern.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Bolivia's vast lithium reserves, and the politics of holding on to it for now.

Reserves so vast, you can see the salt flats from a view of the entire continent.

Incinerating waste versus landfill

This journalist explores the question of burning waste vs landfills. At 6:04-30 he discusses the economics of this Swedish plant that burns 60 tons of waste an hour, and cost $500M to build, and $35M a year to run: - it makes $10M a year in electricity and $35M a year in municipal heating, distributed in pipes around the city. They burn so much waste that they're actually importing it from other countries.

As he mentions at 8:24, it's far better to recycle than to burn waste. 

As he concludes at 25:14, waste with its plastic content is just a low-grade oil - its better to recycle. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

The science of perfect rock skipping

Quite a process!

Stretchy Ice Cream

Farmers are using an ancient technique to purify water

Charcoal acts as a cation exchange resin to trap valuable molecules (for years) that would otherwise be leached away by rain water and irrigation in loose sandy soils. How did the ancient Mayans figure this out?

Where Corks Come From

Harvest once every nine years.

New York's Worst Tourist Traps

NYC rooftop views/bars/restaurants way cheaper than the Freedom Tower or the Empire State and no line-ups.
St. Cloud at the Knickerbocker Hotel.
Jimmy at the James
15 Thompson St, New York
Monarch Lounge
71 W 35th St, New York
(top of) Met Museum

The Cantor Roof Garden Bar
1000 5th Ave, New York
Gansevoort Hotel

Plunge Rooftop Bar + Lounge
18 9th Ave, New York

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