Friday, August 31, 2018

Alibaba's Hema grocery stores are changing retail | CNBC Reports

The future of retail - an entire shopping and restaurant experience without any human interaction, so you can spend more time on your phone.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Coober-Pedy the underground town in the Australian Outback

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Why incompetent people think they're amazing - Dunning-Kruger effect

The least competent people are most likely to overrate their skill, yet after a little training they're willing to label their initial skill as awful.

Friday, August 24, 2018

How To Finely Chop An Onion - Gordon Ramsay

-so that's how you do it!

Madagascar’s Eerie Forest of Stone

What an incredible jagged landscape.

How does a camera gimbal stabilizer know when you're panning versus drifting/shaking to the side?

A handheld  3-axis gimbal stabilizer can eliminate  vibrations enabling smooth smartphone shooting through the three-gyroscope chip with self-adaptive 3-Axis mixing which applies a correction based on proportionalintegral, and derivative terms (PID)* an algorithm that controls the three motors to achieve automatic stability and balance in the shooting process.

In practical terms, [such a controller]  automatically applies accurate and responsive correction to a control function. An everyday example is the cruise control on a vehicle; where external influences such as gradients (hills) would cause speed changes, and the driver has the ability to alter the desired set speed. The PID algorithm restores the actual speed to the desired speed in the optimal way, without delay or overshoot, by controlling the power output of the vehicle's engine.

Novel caulking process for building an efficient home

Making a house extremely airtight by spraying a mist of caulk into a pressurized house seals all the tiny cracks and leaks, as they demonstrate here. That reduces the chance of mold, water vapor, and insects entering the walls.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Wedding Cake Baker

From California to London to baker for royalty.

Studies: Crows count, chimps know when they're right - CNN

I'd heard about crows counting how many hunters were behind a hunting blind, (mentioned in this article) but I wondered how they had measured the change in behavior when the crows knew the hunters had gone. These experiments seem more sophisticated than that at proving how crows and chimpanzees think. knowing that you know something...They gave three chimps computerized memory tests and rewarded them with food for correct answers, but they built in some hitches to tease out signs of metacognition..The reward appeared at a place away from the test area, and when the chimps got an answer right, a sound alerted them that the food was going to appear -- with a slight delay -- at the distant spot. They had to hustle to get to the other station before the food popped out, or it would disappear, or go down the drain, so to speak.
But that alerting sound was delayed, too. The apes barely had enough of a heads up to make it to the reward station in time to catch the food before it vanished.
After a while, the chimps appeared to get a sense for when they got an answer right and when they didn't. And when they did, they often darted for the food station ahead of that tardy sound signal.
If the monkeys got an answer wrong, more often than not, they sat things out. After all, when you've bombed, why go to the trouble?.

DJI Mavic 2 Vision Point of Interest - The BEST, yet least talked about feature

Amazing capabilities of these little flying machines. This model was just released today, with some improvements over preceding models.

Thousands of Dogs Run Free in This Sanctuary | National Geographic

That's a lot of food!

Hypnotic Ink in 4K Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys

Capturing Mountains in a Different Light

Entrancing use of a drone with lights on its underbelly to infuse a landscape with light and gradually reveal the jagged contour.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Most Orange Juice Comes From Brazil, Not Florida | CNBC

Who knew? 70% of orange juice comes from Brazil, buoyed by cheap labor, lack of hurricanes, no constraints on pesticides, and abundant land.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mercedes-Benz active pre-scan suspension on the F 700 research car

I wondered if anyone had invented this yet, and they have. The lidar looks ahead and determines when to adjust the suspension to minimize each bump in the road.

What is Steam Hammer?

Explanation of the steam hammer effect in pipes carrying water and steam simultaneously.

Camera Robots!

Very facile smooth shots transitioning rapidly between unusual angles.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Chop sticks or plastic cutlery? Which is more enviro friendly?

"Wood a million times over. Wood can and should be significantly more green than plastic at every point in its lifecycle.

"The post use waste side of the issue has been covered* but another favorable aspect of wood products is the eco-friendliness of wood product manufacture. Plastics release many toxins in to the air during manufacture, including acetone, styrene, and toluene. Wood on the other hand can be processed significantly more cleanly. Trees can be cut using greener logging technologies, mills can be run using solar^ or other green energy sources, and shaping machinery can also be run with green energy sources. Saw dust left behind from the processing of wood can simply be burnt or put to use as an absorbant. There's no drilling, no hydraulic fracking, and no environmentally catastrophic spills like there are with oil [which is used to make] plastics."
*waste side:

"Assuming you're talking about the typical disposable chopsticks made of bamboo, they can be composted without special equipment (although it may take a couple years in slow conditions). Plastic forks, on the other hand, will take a very long time to degrade and likely won't be recycled. Even "compostable" plastic is nowhere near as degradable as bamboo"

Also, wood products are typically shipped hundreds of miles to North American consumers, while petroleum products have been shipped thousands of miles.

^ pretty hard to find any links to actual solar powered sawmills, because they are pretty power-hungry...

As you can see, its a lot of solar panels...they say at 0;57 they installed a four-fold excess of capacity just in case.

"Molecular Cuisine "The Fat Duck" Restaurant

Molecular cooking at a restaurant in the UK. They say it's one of the first restaurants to use liquid nitrogen for food preparation.

You Need to Brine Your Fish

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Tour of the SR-71 Blackbird high-altitude reconnaissance plane

2:05 "We had a couple of hundred missiles fired at us, and the closest one came within a mile." What? That's a lot of missiles fired at a US planes! And a pretty lost success rate. He explains that the planes speed, and it's radar-jamming capability foiled these attempts.

At 11:30 he describes "unstarts" where the supersonic shock wavefront was disturbed and moved outside the engine intake, dramatically dropping the thrust from that engine and making the plane lurch to one side violently. He says it did this over a hundred times in five years while he was flying it!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The history behind cruise ships' design

Interesting documentary that includes historical discoveries about steel-making, diesel engine, hull drag and so on. 

At 13:46 they talk about improved hull efficiency by "lubricating" the bow with microbubbles.

The azimuth pods that allow the propellers to swivel 360 degrees look like they face the wrong way, propellers first. But allowing the propellers to cut through undisturbed water makes them more efficient. "The pod's propeller usually faces forward because in this pulling (or tractor) configuration the propeller is more efficient due to operation in undisturbed flow."

What Can $10 Get You in IRAN?

Interesting travelogue and surprising what $10 can get you in Iran.

Taxi ride,
SIM card with 6GB data
Candy (gift-packed)
hairbrush gift
hot tea
2 fresh-squeezed juices

Cows with names produce more milk, scientists say - Telegraph

The average amount of milk produced by a cow over its annual 10-month lactation period is 7,500 liters. Those cows whose farmer's had names for them had an average higher milk yield of 258 liters.

Make the Best Steaks By Cooking Frozen Meat (No Thawing!)

I found the science of this interesting. Freeze steaks on an open tray for a day before wrapping them and putting them in a Ziploc. Don't that them, just sear them in hot oil before baking them.

Gallbladder cartoon

"I was humbled..."

A surgeon this week told me he's finally chosen a new city to move to, amongst several offers, because he was "humbled" by the huge salary they were offering. It seemed like an odd use of the word "humble."

I looked it up and discovered the term "humblebragging," coined by a comedian.

And a funny article from the LA times poking fun at all this false modesty.
"These days it's code for 'something great has happened to me and I want you to feel jealous while also believing I'm totally deserving.' In other words, humble is the new smug."
And I realized that this was one instance where Wikipedia is much better than traditional dictionaries, because it can pick up on recent trends, and provide plenty of examples and references.




humbled (comparative more humbledsuperlativemost humbled)

(usually qualifying a first-person pronoun) Grateful for the support of others, touchedhonoredflattered.

2014 September 24, "Web Access... Simon Pegg / Edgar Wright" BBC Online:JJ: Are you humbled by such positive reactions from such a wide spectrum of people, from George A Romero to Harry Knowles?SP: Absolutely. Yeah, it's wonderful. ... We're very humbled and very pleased.

2014 November 4, John Boehner Statement by Speaker Boehner On Outlook For The 114th Congress: We are humbled by the responsibility the American people have placed with us, but this is not a time for celebration.

2015 May, C. Joyce Hall "Humbled and Honored" ABA Health eSource Vol. 11 No. 9: I cannot adequately express my sincere thanks to the Section leaders who saw fit to take a chance on me and ask me to get involved in leadership in the Section. Thank you for being excellent role models. I am honored and humbled to serve.

2015 September 12, 'HONORED AND HUMBLED' ESPINOZA TO RECEIVE LAFFIT PINCAY, JR. AWARD Paulick Report: "Anytime I win an award of any kind I am honored and humbled," Espinoza said.

Overcome with humility; in awe of the strength of another or one's own weakness

2010 February 1, Tom Hagan 'I am humbled by these people' National Catholic Reporter: They would continue to suffer greatly but they have a strength that is remarkable. I am humbled by them and privileged to be with them.

Usage notes

The use of such forms as "I am humbled" in victory speeches and the like has been criticised as an oxymoron given the meaning of the verb humble. It indicates modesty via a sense of unworthiness of the honor, or surprise at one's success; humility rather than humiliation. See also humblebrag.[1][2]


The Grammarphobia Blog "A humbling victory?"January 4th, 2013

Meghan Daum "Humbletalk: It's just another way to say 'smug'" LA Times December 26, 2013

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Where Your Wine Corks Come From

Sono Sion German electric car

At 3:16, solar cells incorporated into the roof can provide 18 miles of driving per day, and at 4:39 a moss-filled air filtration unit.

Aboard One of the Biggest Container Ships in the World | The New York Times

4:13 She burns 100 tons of fuel a day. (!)

That's about 30,000 gallons.

At $300 per tonne, that's $30,000 a day for fuel. 
"bunker prices for fuel oil are between $309 and $340 per tonne, depending on where you are in the world."

(On that quora page, he calculates a cost of $130,000 a day for the thirtiest ships, and $0.7M to cross the Pacific in such a ship.)

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mimolette and other cheeses that don't require refrigeration

"I am actually a cheese monger by profession. There are several specific cheeses you can buy that do not require any refrigeration but even with this they will not last as long. Most cheese can be stored at cooler temps and most in Europe are actually stored in caves and cellars that keep a naturally cooler temperature. You should be able to find most of these at a Whole foods or Trader Joes if you don't have a specialty cheese shop.

"Parmigiana reggiano Beemster extra aged (26 month) Beemster Paradiso Dry jacks And most other Aged Goudas that have been aged more than 2 years hardly require refrigeration. Though you may see some weeping from the cheese which is the whey of the cheese pushing its way to the surface. It may look like oil. But! As mentioned by someone else unless you are going to store whole wheels, cheese does need a bit of refrigeration unless it has a certification to not grow certain bacteria outside of refrigeration."

You may consider a zeer pot.

"...porous outer earthenware pot (lined with wet sand) containing an inner pot (which can be glazed to prevent penetration by the liquid) within which the food is placed. The evaporation of the outer liquid draws heat from the inner pot."

Facts from the stock market: Subway, Bitcoin

"In 2017, Subway had 43,912 stores around the world, beating second-place McDonald's at 37,241 and third-place Starbucks at 27,339 locations."

One Bitcoin Transaction Consumes As Much Energy As Your House Uses in a Week.
"Since the average American household consumes 901 KWh per month, each Bitcoin transfer represents enough energy to run a comfortable house, and everything in it, for nearly a week."

MJ stocks

Cronos Group Inc. (CRON): Market Cap $1.15B

Nasdaq's first pot stock Cronos Group is a Toronto-based cultivator of medical marijuana... ships its products to Germany, is building a facility in Israel and has a license through a joint venture in Australia. While it does not have a presence in the United States due to the uncertainty in regulations...

Terra Tech Corp (OTC: TRTC): Market Cap $157M

Incorporated almost a decade ago, Terra Tech is diversified agricultural company that has operations in production and dispensing medical marijuana as well as hydroponic equipment... also operates retail distribution of medical marijuana under the name Blum...has operations in the U.S. including a State of California Temporary Authorization to cultivate, manufacture, distribute and retail cannabis... dispensaries in Nevada and has two large cultivation facilities in the state where production will commence after necessary State approvals.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Friday, August 10, 2018

Alinea Restaurant Chicago - molecular food

1723 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60614
(312) 867-0110

-molecular food, incredible experience, the one fancy restaurant worth going to in Chicago - Xian
How the chef describes it - 

Look how artfully this is served tableside:

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Pilot Parallel Pen: The Budget Calligraphy Pen

-nice calligraphy pens. Look easy to fill, use, and clean.

Farmers market lies exposed: hidden camera investigation (Marketplace)

Great investigative journalism travels right to the source, exposes fraud at Farmers' markets that undercuts the real farmers by reselling wholesale produce. And shows a great comparison of California market tightly controlled by tighter legislation. Then she talks to the legislator who could fix the situation, who promises to look into it. Canadian reporters really go the distance.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Moms Lip Sync To Their Kids Playing FortNite

This is surprisingly funny seeing moms lip-sync to their teenage son's chatter and rants during video games.

Did you know that parents are actually paying for tutors for their kids to play video games better? Here's that story.

Keeping your RV Cool In Extreme Heat - Ideas From Burning Man

Trust this inventive, cheapskate, artistic community at Burning Man to come up with cheap solar solutions for cooling. The homemade evaporative coolers start at 5:55.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Seakeeper: Gyroscopic Stabilization for Boats

-a giant gyroscope constantly spinning to keep your boat 90% steadier. Too bad he didn't demonstrate it in real choppy seas.

Mammoth container ships

A few snapshots from the video:
There's shops have surpassed estimates of the maximum size ever possible, and continue to get larger.

They've contributed to the rise in trade.

Here's the largest importers via shopping container in the US:

British Columbia Is Burning

Good investigative reporting about forest fires, their increasing severity, and how we've ironically increased their severity by suppressing them for years.

"Cold trailing is when firefighters form a line and walk the area, feeling with their hands for heat coming up out of the ground and looking for signs of continued burning that could be underground."

"Cold Trailing: A method of controlling a partly dead fire edge by carefully inspecting and feeling with the hand for heat to detect any fire, digging out every live spot, and trenching any live edge."

Boater helps put out wildfire

I always knew these annoying boats were created for a reason.

Here's the long version, with a few choice words from some inebriated boaters.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Preserving Bauhaus Design

Making furniture from original designs of a hundred years ago.

9 Year Old Pro Skateboarder

-wow, what a great personality

Fish high/ low in mercury

Larger predator fish are higher in mercury
-tuna, King mackerel, marlin, orange roughy

Low in mercury
-salmon, Atlantic mackerel, sardines, trout

Low in mercury but also low in Omega-3
-catfish, flounder,tilapia, shrimp, sole

-Consumer Reports 9/18 p. 33

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Resurrecting an old engine design

Opposing pistons on the same cylinder. He mentions that when invented was not clean-burning or efficient, but now a viable option with computer control.

Problems With The Tesla Model 3

Center console and door handles flimsy, ride height not lowered, no air suspension, all-season tires. Interior push-button door release preferred over the handle. 

And don't forget that repairs are expensive over the vehicle is out of warranty, and Tesla doesn't sell parts so no one else can work on them.

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