Saturday, April 16, 2011

NYTimes: Is Sitting a Lethal Activity?

"Sitting is a lethal activity...This is your body on chairs: Electrical activity in the muscles drops — "the muscles go as silent as those of a dead horse," Hamilton says — leading to a cascade of harmful metabolic effects. Your calorie-burning rate immediately plunges to about one per minute, a third of what it would be if you got up and walked. Insulin effectiveness drops within a single day, and the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes rises."

A growing body of research suggests that watching your diet and exercising a few times a week is not enough to offset sedentary time.

See also -

The health hazards of a sedentary lifestyle not mitigated by exercise

"The latest findings, published this week in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, indicate that the amount of leisure time spent sitting in front of a screen can have such an overwhelming, seemingly irreparable impact on one’s health that physical activity doesn’t produce much benefit."


The Men Who Stare at Screens

"...the beneficial effect of regular exercise is totally negated by 11 hours or more of driving, or 23 hours or more of watching TV per week.TE
"The men worked out, then sat in cars and in front of televisions for hours, and their risk of heart disease soared, despite the exercise. Their workouts did not counteract the ill effects of sitting."

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