Monday, April 18, 2011

NYTimes: Distilling the Wisdom of C.E.O.’s

"There was a time when simply having certain information was a competitive advantage. Now, in the Internet era, most people have easy access to the same information. That puts a greater premium on the ability to synthesize, to connect dots in new ways and to ask simple, smart questions that lead to untapped opportunities"
[Have to have]
-passionate curiosity [wonder why things work the way they do, whether it can be improved]
-battle-hardened confidence [how did you handle a failure?]
-team smarts [good sense of how people will react to one another]
-a simple mindset [in powerpoint presentations, forget the 'power' - get to the 'point': avoid 'death by powerpoint']
-fearlessness [do you twitch when things operate smoothly, wanting to shake it up a bit?]..."so few people live that way and bring this attitude to work. It is risky. You may unsettle people by shaking up the status quo. But if you have the best interests of the organization in mind, you can unlock new opportunities for the company and for yourself."

Interviews with more than 70 leaders for the Corner Office columns have shown some traits that successful executives share and look for when hiring.

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