Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Interrupt my day...

"Lord, interrupt my day with divine appointments to connect with people who You know need it."

"Be careful how you react to interruptions.

That person who interrupts your busy schedule might be exactly the person God wants you to see." -

"Sometimes we are so busy that we don't allow for interruptions, much less see them as divine appointments. We might be "making such good time" that it is hard to stop. Or maybe we are really getting a lot done and checking things off of our to do list and we don't want to break the rhythm of what we're doing. We may be doing a lot of business and having a profitable day and don't want to blow a carefully developed opportunity to do our job well. If we aren't careful, we'll see these interruptions as irritations rather than divine appointments." -

"God’s will comes to us in strange ways, often in the form of interruptions. Just when we think our duties are done for the day and we’ve settled in for a quiet evening at home, someone calls on the telephone or shows up on our doorstep asking for our time. “Are you busy?” they ask.

The best thing to do is to stop looking at these intrusions as interruptions. Instead, we should take them as opportunities that God is sending us to serve those in need—to listen well, to show love, to help them on their journey toward intimacy with God." -

"I seem to need more reminding of how God works in ways that don’t make sense to me. God has purpose, my duty is to be open and ready for what He allows.

An interruption may be a divine appointment." -

1 comment:

  1. What a nice way to look at and accept interruptions! Rather than an annoyance it could be like a nice little surprise to change up your day a little! Very cute article! Charlee


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