Tuesday, September 7, 2010

25 simple, common-sense tips to lose weight

1. Drink a second cup of coffee. It might lower your risk of adult-onset diabetes…

2. Keep serving dishes off the table.

3. Think before you drink. around 10 teaspoons of added sugar every single day from soft drinks.

4. Practice total recall. British scientists found that people who thought about their last meal before snacking ate 30 percent fewer calories that those who didn't stop to think.

5. Eat protein at every meal.

6. Choose whole-grain bread.

7. Think fish.

9. Cut portions by a quarter.

10. Turn off the TV.

11. Put your fork down when you chew.

12. Choose rye (not wheat) bread for breakfast toast. were more full 8 hours after breakfast than wheat-bread eater

13. Eat a handful of fruit and vegetables a day.

14. Sip green tea.

15. Work out before lunch or dinner.

16. Hung over? Choose asparagus.

17. Sleep 8 hours a night.

18 Discover miso soup.can help lower your blood pressure

19. Drink two glasses of milk daily.

20. Take a zinc supplement.

21. Go ahead, eat your favorite foods.

22. Choose foods with the fewest ingredients.

23. Snack on popcorn.

24. Or snack on walnuts.may boost your HDL (good) cholesterol

25. Scramble your breakfast. …People who ate eggs in the morning instead of a bagel consumed 264 fewer calories the rest of the day [same as rule 5 really]

[See the more detailed explanations for these tips at...]


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