Thursday, May 7, 2009 Frugal Traveler: Research: The Traveler's Best Friend

Here's a good list of websites (within the article) to research an upcoming vacation. was new to me (who has time to put in all that info?) and I've yet to try but it sounds handy.

TRAVEL   | May 06, 2009
Frugal Traveler: Research: The Traveler's Best Friend
By Matt Gross
From researching destinations to booking flights and hotels to actually figuring out what to do when I arrive, I have a long list of Web sites and other resources - some well known, others less so - that I use to learn what's new, interesting and inexpensive 

"... Google Maps,... search for user-created maps of worthy landmarks.

"..., which searches virtually every other booking site, is my first stop: its flexibility, range, speed and ability to filter your results in specific ways are almost unmatched. But I’ve also started to use’s QPX system, which was developed for the airline industry

"...[then] go to the airline’s own Web site to simplify the reservation

"...[then] check, which has seat maps of most major airlines’ planes, to find the best, most comfortable spot available.

"...on Trip Advisor,... skip over its hotel listings and change “Property Type” to “Other Lodging,” which turns up pensions, campgrounds, hostels and other accommodations that I often find more intriguing (and usually less expensive) than hotels

"...Once I’ve got all my confirmation e-mails, I forward them over, which automatically turns them into an easy-to-edit itinerary.

"...The thing about all this preparation is that it never fully prepares me for the sight of a new place, the smell of its streets and the charmingly surprising behavior of its people — the moments of discovery that inspire us to travel in the first place."


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