Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We live in interesting political times.

As unpolitical as I am, I have never followed politics as closely as now.  
I found these quotations from the New York Times particularly revealing - 
from Daniel J Weiss, (director of climate strategy, Center for American progress)
"...Obama has done more in one week to reduce oil dependence and global warming than George Bush did in eight years. "

and also in the article - 

"Granting California the right to regulate tailpipe emissions would be one of the most emphatic actions Mr. Obama could take to quickly put his stamp on environmental policy."
-John M Broder, NYT, Jan 26'09


Of course there was an immediate outcry from auto manufacturers about further hampering their ability to emerge from the brink of bankruptcy.(http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/27/business/27fuel.html?_r=1&ref=business)  I actually think that different regulations on emissions state-by-state is not a good solution because of all the extra red tape and hoops for the industry to jump through, but I am glad the new administration is taking steps to rein in the US profligate wasting of energy and resources. 

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