Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hans Zimmer - the movie score genius

Hans Zimmer, musical genius. I had seen his name in movie credits, but had no idea he was so avant garde and thoughtful in his composing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Cosmic Crisp apples

"Key to the apple's delicious flavor is a high sugar content balanced by an even higher acidity, "which means it should taste as good when picked as it does after traveling a thousand miles to a retailer," according to WSU. What's more, the apple is said to ripen more uniformly than other varieties while on the tree, and brown more slowly once picked. It has a lengthy shelf life, reportedly staying fresh in the refrigerator for up to a year, Gibson writes. "Cosmic Crisp is the BeyoncĂ© of apples," claims WSU.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Can the Big Bad Wolf Save Your Life? - Freakonomics

Interesting podcast about the economic impact of letting wolf populations increase which reduces the deer population hence less car accidents hitting deer. But you have to appease farmers who lose thousands of dollars in livestock. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Why Are There So Many Bad Bosses? The Peter principle

Interesting podcast about how promotion within companies is usually based on good performance at junior levels which may not mean aptitude at management.  The Peter principle that people get promoted to the level of their incompetence.

This podcast also explains the idea of "individual contributor" being someone who you promote for their skills, without putting them into the management stream. "individual contributor.
Johnson: It is someone who "makes," as opposed to managing people who make."

Tesla "Tire Costs" are tenfold more than Battery Cost per mile

I went to change my tires over today, and found out the factory tires had worn out after only 30,000 miles. To my surprise, I found out that's typical for electric vehicles, which are heavier than combustion-engine ones. Then, I found out all the replacement tires are $250 per tire and up, their prices inflated for the more affluent EV owner. 
This blog post below says people are far too concerned about the cost of replacing electric car batteries but should be much more concerned about the cost of tires for electric vehicles, because electric vehicles are so heavy they wear through tires quickly. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Recycling lithium

This rather slow-paced news story makes some important points about the lithium recycling industry: 

10:47 Recycling lithium batteries is an industry expected to grow tenfold

17:45 "we're currently recycling 1-2% of what's being built today" 

17:13 lithium recycling is efficient, profitable, scalable

3:52 "our excess supply is in batteries that have come to end of life" 

8:56 The "proverbial shoe box in a drawer" has become the world's largest resource of these metal materials. "The hurdle to recycling is enough that people just do nothing" with these devices. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Paraskiing | Low and Slow

I looked this up because a friend was doing it. Looks like fun - like paragliding with self-rescue built in.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Guess what comes out of this concept car at the push of a button?

Holding back tunnel walls

Very interesting discussion of how to prevent tunnel collapse, with a surprisingly effective demonstration of the technique.

And here's an interesting new technique to drill through rock by melting it with high energy microwaves - this automatically lines the walls of the drill hole with vitrified rock, reonforcing the walls and saving cost of construction.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Top 10 Tools 2021

I think you'd enjoy this guy's rigorous approach to testing things, especially these tools. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Starlink internet for RV

"Starlink is not quite ready to be taken RVing just yet." 


Naivety, that fabulous quality that keeps you unaware of your lack of suitability for what's to come. 

Comedy is a distortion of what's happening, and there will always be something happening. 

-Steve Martin, "Born Standing Up." 

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