Thursday, May 6, 2021

Left brain vs Right Brain

This week's podcast from Hidden Brain is about how and why the two sides of the brain function differently. He asks interesting questions like "What would the world be like if everyone only had left hemispheres?" And at about 28 minutes in, "What would music sound like to someone with only a left/right brain?" 

The best mental image of the necessity of two different hemispheres is the following: When a bird needs to pick up a seed, the left brain concentrates on coordinating the task, while the right brain maintains situational awareness of the rest of the flock and potential predators. 

@25:16 The left hemisphere is to do with functioning and utilizing. Reading and writing, and it doesn't really deal with the structure of reality. Whereas the right hemisphere is more emotionally literate, it reads expression and it gives emotional expressivity. 

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