Friday, December 25, 2020

Arctic Dining: Think Frozen Sashimi - The New York Times

"Fishermen and reindeer herders in northern Siberia have long snacked on raw, frozen fish and meat. Shaved thin and often dipped in sauce, the dish is one of Russia's hidden delicacies."
"It is raw, frozen fish or meat, shaved thin with a sharp knife so that it curls off the blade. Hurry — you have to eat it before it thaws for the best flavor and texture, dipping the frozen shavings into a salt-and-pepper mix or your favorite sauce, then chewing lightly as they melt on your tongue, like a Popsicle version of sashimi or carpaccio."
"Its bracing and freezing rawness, followed by its subtle tenderness, distills the wild, blustery, softly lit grandeur of the Far North."

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